dissolve是什么意思 dissolve在线中文翻译



vt. 溶解, 解散
vi. 溶解, 解散
【化】 溶解
【医】 溶解
dissolve in...


名词:dissolver 动词过去式:dissolved 过去分词:dissolved 现在分词:dissolving 第三人称单数:dissolves 形容词:dissolvable 


melt, dissolve, fuse
melt: 最常用词,指任何固体的融化过程,常引申作“消散、淡化或消失”解。
dissolve: 多指固体溶于溶剂的过程。
fuse: 可与melt换用,但侧重指在高温下使两种或两种以上金属的熔合,也可作引申用。


名词 dissolve:

  1. (film) a gradual transition from one scene to the next; the next scene is gradually superimposed as the former scene fades out

动词 dissolve:

  1. cause to go into a solution同义词:resolve, break up
  2. pass into a solution
  3. become weaker同义词:fade out, fade away
  4. come to an end同义词:break up
  5. stop functioning or cohering as a unit同义词:disband
  6. cause to lose control emotionally
  7. lose control emotionally
  8. cause to fade away
  9. become or cause to become soft or liquid同义词:thaw, unfreeze, unthaw, dethaw, melt
  10. bring the association of to an end or cause to break up同义词:break up
  11. declare void同义词:dismiss


  1. Ice dissolved in the warm weather.冰在温暖的天气中溶化了。
  2. The parliament was dissolved.议会解散了。


v.(动词)dis.solved,dis.solv.ing,dis.solves v.tr.(及物动词)To cause to pass into solution:使溶解:例句:dissolve salt in water.使盐溶解于水中
To reduce (solid matter) to liquid form; melt.使(固态物)溶解为液体;使液化To cause to disappear or vanish; dispel.使消失,使消逝;消除To break into component parts; disintegrate.使分裂;使分解To bring to an end by or as if by breaking up; terminate.使终止:由于破裂或似乎由于破裂而结束];使终止To dismiss (a legislative body, for example):解散:解散 (如立法机关):例句:dissolved parliament and called for new elections. 解散议会,要求重新选举
To cause to break down emotionally or psychologically; upset.使沮丧:使在情感上或心理上失去控制;使不安To cause to lose definition; blur; confuse:使概念不清;使模糊;使迷惑:例句:.Morality has finally been dissolved in pity.(Leslie Fiedler).道德的概念最后模糊成同情.(莱斯利·菲德勒)
Law To annul; abrogate.【法律】 废除;取消v.intr.(不及物动词)To pass into solution.溶解To become liquid; melt.融化;液化To break up or disperse.解散,散去To become disintegrated; disappear.分裂,分解;消散,消失To be overcome emotionally or psychologically:被感动,情不自禁:例句:I dissolved into helpless laughter.我情不自禁地笑起来
To lose clarity or definition; fade away.变得模糊;消失,逝去To shift scenes in a motion-picture film or videotape by having one scene fade out while the next scene appears behind it and grows clearer as the first one dims.(画面) 淡入淡出:电影或录像一幅画面渐隐,而另一幅画面在其后渐显,随着第一幅渐渐变得模糊,第二幅画变是更淡入淡出为清晰,通过这种方式来改变画面n.(名词)A scene transition in a motion-picture film or videotape made by fading out one scene while the next scene grows clearer.Also called lap dissolve 叠化画面:在电影或录像中,通过一个画面的渐隐同时另一个画面渐显的方式来改变画面也作 lap dissolve
来源:Middle English dissolven 中古英语 dissolven from Latin dissolvere 源自 拉丁语 dissolvere dis- [dis-] dis- [表示.打消,除去.等意] solvere [to release] * see leu- solvere [释出,免除] *参见 leu-