delivery是什么意思 delivery在线中文翻译



n. 递送, 交付, 分娩, 交货, 引渡
【化】 交货额
【医】 分娩, 生产, 除去
【经】 交货, 交付, 交割




名词 delivery:

  1. the act of delivering or distributing something (as goods or mail)同义词:bringing
  2. the event of giving birth
  3. your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally同义词:manner of speaking, speech
  4. the voluntary transfer of something (title or possession) from one party to another同义词:livery, legal transfer
  5. (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter同义词:pitch
  6. recovery or preservation from loss or danger同义词:rescue, deliverance, saving
  7. the act of delivering a child同义词:obstetrical delivery


  1. The next postal delivery is at 4 o'clock.下一次邮递时间是四点钟。
  2. The mother had an easy delivery.那位母亲生产顺利。

n.(名词)【复数】 缩写 dely.,dlvy.,dy.
The act of conveying or delivering.传送,运送:传递或传送的行为Something delivered, as a shipment or package.运送物:被运送的东西,如运输的货物或包裹
The act of transferring to another.转交给他人Law A formal act of transferring ownership of property to another:【法律】 正式交付:把财产的所有权正式交付给他人的行为:例句:delivery of a deed.契约的正式交付
The act of giving up; surrender.放弃;交出,引渡The act or manner of throwing or discharging.投出,放出:投掷或发出的行为或方式The act of giving birth; parturition.分娩;生产
Utterance or enunciation:讲话,讲演:例句:The historic speech required but two minutes in delivery.这次历史性的讲演只需要两分钟
The act or manner of speaking or singing:说话方式,演唱风格:说话或演唱的风格或方式:例句:a folk singer`s casual delivery.一个民歌手的随意的演唱风格
The act of releasing or rescuing.释放,解救