difference是什么意思 difference在线中文翻译



n. 不同, 差异
【计】 差分
【医】 差, 差别
【经】 差额, 余额
make a difference between...
make no difference


动词过去式:differenced 过去分词:differenced 现在分词:differencing 第三人称单数:differences 


difference, distinction, discrepancy, discrimination
difference: 普通用词,可指事物本质上的差异或数量上的差额,也可指事物在某一方面的差别,还可指人们之间的不同意见。
distinction: 较正式用词,除指事物在本质上的差别外,还指在某一方面或某一细节上的区分,要在认真观察、研究后才易觉察。
discrepancy: 多用于言论和记述方面,指两物之间缺乏使之相似或平衡的协调。
discrimination: 侧重指在判断、见识方面的差别,也可指待遇上的区别。


名词 difference:

  1. the quality of being unlike or dissimilar
  2. a variation that deviates from the standard or norm同义词:deviation, divergence, departure
  3. a disagreement or argument about something important同义词:dispute, difference of opinion, conflict
  4. a significant change
  5. the number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend同义词:remainder


  1. It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.你今天或明天去没有多大关系。
  2. Flowers make no difference to this room.这房间有没有花没什么区别。


n.Abbr. dif.,diff.(名词)缩写 dif.,diff.The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar.不同,相异:性质或条件上的不相同或不一致
An instance of disparity or unlikeness.相异的实例:不等或不同的实例A degree or amount by which things differ.差异的程度:不同的程度或数量A specific point or element that distinguishes one thing from another.不同点:指一件事物与另外的事物区分开的特殊点或部分A noticeable change or effect:效果,改变:值得注意的变化或效果:例句:Exercise has made a difference in her health.锻炼使她的健康有显著的改变
A disagreement or controversy.意见分歧:不一致或有争议A cause of a disagreement or controversy.意见分歧的原因:不一致或有争议的原因Discrimination in taste or choice; distinction.区别,分别:在品味或选择上的区别;差别Mathematics 【数学】 The amount by which one quantity is greater or less than another.差额:一个数在数量上多于或少于一个数的数值The amount that remains after one quantity is subtracted from another.差数:一个数减去另一个数剩下的差值Archaic A distinct mark or peculiarity.【古语】 特别,特色:独特的标记或特殊的东西v.tr.(及物动词)dif.fer.enced,dif.fer.enc.ing,dif.fer.enc.es To distinguish or differentiate.辨别,区分
<参考词汇><同义词>difference,dissimilarity,unlikeness,divergence,variation,distinction,discrepancy同义词>These nouns refer to a lack of correspondence or agreement.这些名词都是指缺乏相符或一致。 Difference is the most general: Difference 是最常见: 例句:differences in color and size;颜色和尺寸间的差别;
例句:a difference of opinion.观点的差异。
Dissimilarity is difference between things otherwise alike or capable of close comparison: Dissimilarity 是指在其它方面很相似或非常类似的事物间的差异: 例句:a striking dissimilarity between the personalities of the sisters.姐妹间个性的显著差异。
Unlikeness usually implies greater and more obvious difference: Unlikeness 经常暗含着较大和较明显的差别: 例句:more likeness than unlikeness among children of that age.那个年龄的孩子们间的相似远多于差异。
Divergence suggests an often gradually increasing difference between things originally similar: Divergence 是指原本相似的事物间逐渐增加的差异 例句:points of divergence between British and American English.英语和美语间的不同点。
Variation is difference between things of the same class or species;often it refers to modification of something original, prescribed, or typical: Vairation 指相同等级或种类的差异,通常指原始的、指定的或典型的事物的变更: 例句:variations in temperature;温度的变化;
例句:a variation in shape.形状的变化。
Distinction often means a difference in detail between like or related things, determinable only by close inspection: Distiaction 通常的意思为相似的或相关的事物间的细节差异,只能通过仔细的检查才能确定的: 例句:the distinction in meaning between .good. and .excellent.. A .好的.和.出色.两词的词义差别。
discrepancy is a difference between things that should correspond or match, as a conflict in two accounts of an incident: Discrenpancy 是指本应一致或匹配的事物,因意外条件而不一致,造成了事物间的差异: 例句:a discrepancy between what was promised and what was done. 所说的和所做的之间的差异