deal是什么意思 deal在线中文翻译



n. 交易, 协定, 数量, 买卖, 松木板
vi. 处理, 应付, 做生意
vt. 分配, 发牌, 给予
【计】 发牌
【经】 交易, 处理, 贸易, 经营
deal in sth
make a big deal out of...


动词过去式:dealt 过去分词:dealt 现在分词:dealing 第三人称单数:deals 


business, commerce, trade, bargain, deal
business: 指包括售货、购货、换货在内的综合商业活动,方式可以是批发或零售。
commerce: 多指大规模的买卖或易货关系。
trade: 普通用词,含义广。既可指某种具体的商业又可指广泛的贸易。
bargain: 多指买卖双方通过谈判、协商就商品质量、数量、价格等项达成协议所成的生意。
deal: 口语用词,指买卖双方经过交涉达成协议成交。


名词 deal:

  1. a particular instance of buying or selling同义词:trade, business deal
  2. an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each同义词:bargain
  3. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent同义词:batch, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, muckle, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad, whole lot, whole slew
  4. a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)
  5. wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)同义词:softwood
  6. the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time同义词:hand
  7. the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement)
  8. the act of distributing playing cards
  9. the act of apportioning or distributing something

动词 deal:

  1. deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression同义词:cover, treat, handle, plow, address
  2. take action with respect to (someone or something)
  3. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes同义词:consider, take, look at
  4. come to terms or deal successfully with同义词:cope, get by, make out, make do, contend, grapple, manage
  5. administer or bestow, as in small portions同义词:distribute, administer, mete out, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole out
  6. do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood同义词:sell, trade
  7. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of同义词:manage, care, handle
  8. behave in a certain way towards others
  9. distribute to the players in a game
  10. direct the course of; manage or control同义词:conduct, carry on
  11. give out as one's portion or share同义词:share, divvy up, portion out, apportion
  12. give (a specific card) to a player
  13. sell


  1. I hate dealing with large impersonal companies.我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。
  2. My bank deals in stocks and shares now.我们银行现在经营债券与股票。
  3. If she lost her job for being late once, she got a pretty raw deal.她若只因迟到一次就失去了工作,这样对她未免太不公平了。
  4. How would you deal with an armed burglar?你怎样对付闯进来的持有武器的强盗?
  5. It means a great deal to her.这对她意义重大。
  6. The meeting will deal with these problems.本次会议将就这些问题作出处理。


v.(动词)dealt[dμlt],deals及物动词)To give out as a share or portion; apportion.分发;分配To distribute among several recipients.See Synonyms at distribute 分发:分送给几个接受者参见 distributeTo sell:卖:例句:deal prescriptions; deal cocaine.出售处方;卖古柯碱
To administer; deliver:分配;给予:例句:dealt him a blow to the stomach.在他的腹部予以一击
Games 【游戏】 To distribute (playing cards) among players.发牌To give (a specific card) to a player while so distributing.发牌时给(某特定的一张牌)v.intr.(不及物动词)To be occupied or concerned; treat:有关联;论述:例句:a book that deals with the Middle Ages.一本讨论中世纪时候的书
To behave in a specified way toward another or others; have transactions:对待,交易:以一特定的方式与对待他人;打交道:例句:deal honestly with competitors.诚实地对待竞争者
To take action with respect to someone or something:处理:对某人或某事采取行动:例句:The committee will deal with this complaint.See Synonyms at treat 委员会将要处理这份投诉参见 treat
To do business; trade:做生意;做交易:例句:dealing in diamonds.经营钻石
Games To distribute playing cards.【游戏】 发牌n.(名词)The act or a round of apportioning or distributing.分配的动作,分配的一轮Games 【游戏】 Distribution of playing cards.发牌的动作The cards so distributed; a hand.发到的牌;一手牌The right or turn of a player to distribute the cards.发牌权或轮到…发牌The playing of one hand.牌的一局An indefinite quantity, extent, or degree:不定数量,不定范围,不定程度:例句:has a great deal of experience.有丰富的经验
An agreement often arranged secretly, as in business or politics.协议:经常秘密签订的协定,如生意上或政治上的协定
A business transaction.交易An agreement, especially one that is mutually beneficial.See Synonyms at bargain 协议:尤指对双方都有利的协定参见 bargainInformal A sale favorable especially to the buyer; a bargain.【非正式用语】 互惠交易:指尤对买者有利的交易;占便宜的交易Informal Treatment received:【非正式用语】 待遇:例句:a raw deal; a fair deal.交易上不公平的待遇;交易上公正的待遇
来源:Middle English delen 中古英语 delen from Old English lan [to divide, share] * see dail- 源自 古英语 lan [分开,分摊] *参见 dail-

deal 2
A fir or pine board cut to standard dimensions.松木板或冷杉木板:按标准尺度切成的冷杉木板或松木板Such boards or planks considered as a group.冷杉木板或松木板的总称Fir or pine wood.冷杉木材或松木木材
来源:Middle English dele 中古英语 dele from Middle Dutch 源自 中古荷兰语 Middle Low German dele [plank] 中古低地德语 dele [厚木板]