delta是什么意思 delta在线中文翻译



n. 三角洲, 希腊字母的第四个字
【医】 δ(希腊文的第四个字母), 丁种, 三角, 三角形区
【经】 三角洲




名词 delta:

  1. a low triangular area where a river divides before entering a larger body of water
  2. the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet


  1. A section of the Meuse River flowing westward through the southern Netherlands to a joint delta with the Rhine River.马斯河默兹河的一部分,向西流经荷兰南郊与莱茵河相汇而形成一片冲积三角洲
  2. Sediment deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta.冲积层河床、洪水淹没的平原或三角洲中的流水淤积所产生的沉积层
  3. There are fertile fields in the Nile Delta.尼罗河三角洲土地肥沃。


n.(名词)The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet.See table at alphabet △,δ:希腊字母表中的第四个字母参见 alphabetAn object shaped like a triangle.三角形物:形状象三角形的物体
A usually triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river.三角洲:河口常见的三角形沉淀淤积地带A similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet, caused by tidal currents.三角洲:海湾入口处三角形沉淀区域,由潮汐形成Mathematics A finite increment in a variable.【数学】 变量增量:变量的有限增量
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Latin 源自 拉丁语 from Greek ; akin to Hebrew delet [door] 源自 希腊语 ;类似于 希伯来语 delet [门] from Phoenician dalt 源自 腓尼基语 dalt
<注释>A &S{D} sits at the mouth of many rivers.The Greeks, noticing the resemblance between the island formed by sediment at the mouth of a river such as the Nile and the triangular shape of their letter delta,gave the namedelta to such an island. English borrowed this sense from Greek,although the worddelta appeared first in English as the name of the letter, in a work written possibly around 200.The sense .alluvial deposit. is not recorded until 555,whendelta is used with reference to the Nile River delta. 位于许多河口的三角形区域。希腊人注意到河口(例如尼罗河)由泥沙沉淀生成的三角形岛屿与他们的字母&S{D}相似,因此用delta 来称呼这些岛屿。 英语取义于希腊语,但是delta 最早出现在英语里是作为△这个字母的名称, 它在书面的作品中出现大约是在200年左右。.淤积沉淀.这个含义直到555年才有记载,那时delta 被用于特指尼罗河口的三角洲 注释>