do是什么意思 do在线中文翻译



vt. 做, 进行, 完成
vi. 做, 进行, 完成
do well
make do with something
do sb in
do sb out of sth
do one's damnedest
do oneself well
do or die
do out
do over
do right
do sb brown
do sb in the eye
do sb proud
do time
do up brown
do wrong
do by...
do down...
do for...
do in...
do a favour
to do the shopping
to do one's exercises
do it all
do one's best


名词复数:do's 动词过去式:did 过去分词:done 现在分词:doing 第三人称单数:does 


perform, conduct, do, execute, fulfil
perform: 指完成困难较大、较复杂的任务,较正式用词。
conduct: >和perform一样比较正式,二者意义相近,但conduct含指导、领导或监督等意味。
do: 最普通常用词,指完成某项具体工作、任务,也指完成某种行为或动作。
execute: 指需专门技术、熟练技巧去完成某种复杂的任务或表演等,也指用行动把计划或打算付诸实施或执行某项命令。
fulfil: 指履行和实现所许诺的、所期望或要求的事情,含最终完成的意味。


名词 do:

  1. an uproarious party同义词:bash, brawl
  2. the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization同义词:doh, ut
  3. doctor's degree in osteopathy同义词:Doctor of Osteopathy

动词 do:

  1. engage in同义词:make
  2. carry out or perform an action同义词:perform, execute
  3. get (something) done同义词:perform
  4. proceed or get along同义词:fare, make out, come, get along
  5. give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally同义词:cause, make
  6. carry out or practice; as of jobs and professions同义词:practice, practise, exercise
  7. be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity同义词:suffice, answer, serve
  8. create or design, often in a certain way同义词:make
  9. behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself同义词:act, behave
  10. spend time in prison or in a labor camp同义词:serve
  11. carry on or manage同义词:manage
  12. arrange attractively同义词:dress, arrange, set, coif, coiffe, coiffure
  13. travel or traverse (a distance)


  1. Do you do science at school?你在学校里学自然科学吗?
  2. I don't know what to do.我不知道怎么做才好。
  3. I love you more than he does.我爱你胜过他爱你。
  4. He does not think so.他不这样想。
  5. The firm did badly last year.公司去年生意不好。
  6. I do miss you.我真想念你啊!


v.(动词)did[dd] done[dôn],does[dôz]及物动词)
To perform or execute:做:进行或执行:例句:do one`s assigned task; do a series of business deals.做指定的任务;进行一系列交易
To fulfill the requirements of:按要求履行:例句:did my duty at all times.一直在履行我的责任
To carry out; commit:做;犯:例句:a crime that had been done on purpose.刻意犯下的罪行
To produce, especially by creative effort:制作:生产,特别是通过创造性的劳动者:例句:do a play on Broadway.在百老汇演一出戏
To play the part or role of in a creative production:扮演:在创造性产品中扮演一个角色或起某种作用:例句:did Elizabeth I in the film.在影片中饰伊丽莎白一世
To mimic:模仿:模仿,学…的样子:例句:.doing the Southern voice, improvising it inventively as he goes along.(William H. Pritchard).他边走边模仿南方人的口音,即兴弄出不少噱头.(威廉H.普里查德)
To bring about; effect:引起;产生:例句:Crying won`t do any good now.现在哭不起任何作用
To render; give:给;给予:例句:do equal justice to the opposing sides; do honor to one`s family.公平对待反对人士;向某人的家人致敬
To put forth; exert:使出;表现:例句:Do the best you can.尽你所能
To attend to in such a way as to take care of or put in order:整理:按一定的方式使某物有条理:例句:did the bedrooms before the guests arrived.赶在客人到达之前收拾收卧室
To prepare for further use especially by washing:清洁:尤指通过洗来预备继续使用:例句:did the dishes.洗餐具
To set or style (the hair).服务:按新式样整理(头发)To apply cosmetics to:化妆:施化妆品于:例句:did her face.在她的脸上化妆
To have as an occupation or a profession:以…为职业:例句:Have you decided what you will do after graduate schoolô你研究所毕业之后想要做什么工作ô
To work out by studying:研读:通过学习完成:例句:do a homework assignment.完成家庭作业
Informal 【非正式用语】 To travel (a specified distance):移动:移动(某一特定距离):例句:do a mile in four minutes.四分钟走完一英里
To make a tour of; visit:旅游;参观:例句:.[He] did 5 countries of Western Europe in only a few days. (R.W. Apple, Jr.).[他] 只在几天里就游览了西欧的十五个国家. (小R.W.阿普尔)
To be sufficient in meeting the needs of; serve:足够:足够满足…之需;供应:例句:This room will do us very nicely.这间房子正合我们的意
Informal To serve (a prison term).【非正式用语】 服(刑期)Slang To cheat; swindle:【俚语】 欺骗;骗取:例句:do a relative out of an inheritance.从亲戚那里骗取一笔遗产
Slang To take (drugs) illegally:【俚语】 非法吸(毒):例句:.If you do drugs you are going to be in continual trouble.(Jimmy Breslin).如果你吸毒,麻烦还在后头呢.(吉米·布雷斯林)
v.intr.(不及物动词)To behave or conduct oneself; act:表现,举止;行为:例句:Do as I say and you won`t get into trouble.按我说的去办,你便惹不了麻烦
To get along; fare:进展;进行:例句:students who do well at school.学习好的学生
To carry on; manage:继续;应付得了:例句:We can very easily do without your interference.没有你的干扰我们可以轻松地进行下去
To make good use of something because of need:需要:例句:I could do with a nice hot bath.我想好好儿地洗个热水澡
To serve a specified purpose:能够:例句:This coat will do for another season.这件棉衣能再用一年
To be proper or fitting:得体:例句:Such behavior just won`t do.这种行为不得体
To take place; happen:举行;发生:例句:What`s doing in London this time of yearô每年这个时候伦敦都会有些什么事ô
Used as a substitute for an antecedent verb:用来代替前文动词:例句:worked as hard as everyone else did.象其余的人那样努力工作
Used after another verb for emphasis:强调前面的动词:用于另外一个动词之后表示强调:例句:Run quickly, do!快跑!
v.aux.(助动词)Used with the infinitive withoutto in questions, negative statements, and inverted phrases: 用于疑问句、否定句和倒装句:跟不带to 的不定式连用,见于问句、否句、倒装句中: 例句:Do you understandô I did not sleep well. Little did we know what was in store for us.你懂吗ô我没睡好。我们不清楚留给我们的是什么
Used as a means of emphasis:用以强调:例句:I do want to be sure. Do be still!我确实想肯定。安静!
n.(名词)【复数】 do`s 或 dos A statement of what should be done:管理条例:要干什么事的声明:例句:a list of the do`s and don`ts of management.列出能做和不能做的管理条例
Informal An entertainment; a party:【非正式用语】 宴会:娱乐;社交聚会:例句:attended a big do at the embassy.参加大使馆举行的盛大聚会
Regional A commotion.【区域的】 混乱。骚动Chiefly British A swindle; a cheat.【多用于英国】 欺骗;骗取Archaic Duty; deed.【古语】 责任;事迹
<常用词组>do by
To behave with respect to; deal with:尊重:在某方面表现;对待:例句:The children have done well by their aged parents.孩子尊重年老的父母
do for
To care or provide for; take care of.供养;照顾do in 【俚语】
To tire completely; exhaust:使劳累:使精疲力尽;使疲乏:例句:The marathon did me in.马拉松赛使我精疲力尽
To kill.杀害To ruin utterly:使彻底毁灭:例句:Huge losses on the stock market did many investors in.股市大跌造成许多投资人彻底毁灭
do up
To adorn or dress lavishly:精心打扮:打扮得花枝招展:例句:The children were all done up in matching outfits.孩子们都穿戴上比赛服装
To wrap and tie (a package).包,扎(包裹)To fasten:扣,固定:例句:do up the buttons on a dress.扣上衣服上的钮扣
do without
To manage in spite of a lack or absence:没有…也可以:在没有某物的情况下设法完成:例句:There was no television on the island, but we soon learned to do without.岛上没有电视,可不久我们就适应了
常用词组><习惯用语>do a disappearing act【非正式用语】
To vanish.消失,不见do away with
To make an end of; eliminate.结束;减少To destroy; kill.毁坏;杀死do (one) proud
To act or perform in a way that gives cause for pride.成功,取得成就:以引起自豪的方式做或表现do (one`s) bit
To make an individual contribution toward an overall effort.尽责,尽本分:朝向整体目标而做出个人的贡献do (one`s) own thing【俚语】
To do what one does best or finds most enjoyable:做最拿手或最喜爱做的事:例句:.I get paid to try cases and to do my thing on trial.(Bruce Cutler).我拿着薪俸审案子,在审判中展雄才.(布鲁斯·卡特勒)
do or die
To exert supreme effort.拼命干,不成功毋宁死习惯用语>来源:Middle English don 中古英语 don from Old English n * see dhô- 源自 古英语 n *参见 dhô-

do 2
n.Music (名词)【音乐】 The first tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio.多:视唱中全音阶的第一音
来源:Italian 意大利语 more singable replacement of ut * see gamut ut更易歌唱的取代 *参见 gamut