ditto是什么意思 ditto在线中文翻译



n. 同上, 同上符号, 很相似的人(或物)
vt. 重复
ad. 如前地
say ditto to


名词复数:dittos 动词过去式:dittoed 过去分词:dittoed 现在分词:dittoing 第三人称单数:dittos 


名词 ditto:

  1. a mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated同义词:ditto mark

动词 ditto:

  1. repeat an action or statement


  1. I shall act ditto.我将同样办理。


n.(名词)【复数】 dit.tos 缩写 do.The same as stated above or before.同上,同前:与上述或前述相同A duplicate; a copy.副本;复制品A pair of small marks (.) used to indicated that the word, phrase, or figure given above is to be repeated.表示同上(或同前)的符号:用于表示重复前面的词、短语或数字的一对符号(")adv.(副词)As before.同前v.tr.(及物动词)dit.toed,dit.to.ing,dit.tos To duplicate (a document, for example).复制,复印(如文件)
来源:Italian dialectal 意大利方言 past participle of Italian dire [to say] 意大利语 dire的过去分词 [说] from Latin docere * see deik- 源自 拉丁语 docere *参见 deik-
<注释>Ditto, which at first glance seems a handy and insignificant sort of word, actually has a Roman past,for it comes fromdictus, .having been said,. the past participle of the verbdocere, .to say.. In Italiandocere became dire anddictus became detto, or in the Tuscan dialect ditto. Italiandetto or ditto meant what said does in English, as in the locution .the said story..Thus in a construction such asDecember 22 the worddetto or ditto could be used by itself instead of the month nameat the next mention of a date in the same month, for example,2' detto. The first recorded use ('25) ofditto occurs in English in such a construction. The sense .copy. is an English development,first recorded in 88. Ditto has even become a trademark for a duplicating machine,something that has not happened tosaid yet. Ditto 这个词第一眼看上去好象是一种方便的、无意义的词, 其实它出于过去的罗马,因为该词源自dictus .已说过的., 是动词dicere .说.的过去分词。 在意大利语中,dicere 变成了 dire , 而dictus 变成了 detto 或托斯卡纳方言的 ditto。 意大利语中的dettoditto 的意义相当于现在英语中的 said , 如惯用语.the said story.(该故事,上述故事)。因此在诸如这样的结构December 22 (2月22日)中, 当下面提及同一个月的某一天时,就可用dettoditto 来代替月份, 例如,2' detto (2月2'日)。 ditto 一词的最初有记录的用法('25年)出现在英语的这种结构中。 .复制.这一词义是在英语中发展起来的,最早的记录在88年, Ditto 甚至成了复印机的商标,而said 还没有 注释>