cocktail是什么意思 cocktail在线中文翻译



n. * , 开味品
a. * 会的
【医】 * (一种合剂)


名词 cocktail:

  1. a short mixed drink
  2. an appetizer served as a first course at a meal


  1. Found cocktail parties distasteful.发现鸡尾酒会令人反感
  2. A cocktail served in a tall glass and consisting of liquor, such as whiskey, mixed with water or a carbonated beverage.高杯酒一种在烈性酒例如威士忌中加入水或汽水的饮料,饮用时盛于高玻璃杯中
  3. Fruit cocktail; shrimp cocktail.水果鸡尾酒; 河虾鸡尾酒
  4. An allergy to cocktail parties.对鸡尾酒会的厌恶


n.(名词)Any of various mixed alcoholic drinks consisting usually of brandy, whiskey, vodka, or gin combined with fruit juices or other liquors and often served chilled.鸡尾酒:一种混合酒精饮料,通常由白兰地、威士忌、伏特加或杜松子酒加果汁或其它汁组成,并通常使其冰冷后使用An appetizer, such as mixed fruit served with some juice or seafood served with a sharp sauce:开胃饮料,开胃菜:正餐前的开胃品,如加有某种汁的混合水果或加有调味品的海味:例句:fruit cocktail; shrimp cocktail.水果鸡尾酒;河虾鸡尾酒
adj.(形容词)Of or relating to cocktails:鸡尾酒的,与鸡尾酒有关的:例句:a cocktail glass; a cocktail party.鸡尾酒杯;鸡尾酒会
Suitable for wear on semiformal occasions:适合半正式场合穿戴的:例句:a cocktail dress.鸡尾服
来源:[Origin unknown] [来源不详]