castle是什么意思 castle在线中文翻译

castle['kæsl, 'kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡, 象棋中的车
vt. 置于城堡中, 盘踞于
【医】 铅制容器(盛放射物质)


动词过去式:castled 过去分词:castled 现在分词:castling 第三人称单数:castles 


名词 castle:

  1. a large and stately mansion同义词:palace
  2. a large building formerly occupied by a ruler and fortified against attack
  3. (chess) the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard同义词:rook
  4. interchanging the positions of the king and a rook同义词:castling

动词 castle:

  1. move the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king


  1. The earl lives in a castle.伯爵住在一座古堡里。
  2. Visitors to the castle are asked not to take photographs.来城堡参观者不得拍照。
  3. A spirit haunts the castle.幽灵常出没于古堡。
  4. The mist eddied round the old castle.薄雾在那座古老的城堡的周围打转转。
  5. A thick forest girdled the castle about.一片浓密的森林包围着城堡。
  6. The castle has fallen into decay in the last100 years.这座古堡在近100年里渐渐荒废了。
  7. The castle walls are very thick.城堡的墙很厚。
  8. The prince lived in a large and beautiful castle.王子住在一个美丽的大城堡里。


A large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls, usually dominating the surrounding country.城堡:带有厚墙的用来设防的大型建筑物或建筑群,通常控制周围的村庄A fortified stronghold converted to residential use.城堡改装的住宅:转变为居住用的一个坚固的城堡A large, ornate building similar to or resembling a fortified stronghold.华宅:一个像或类似坚固堡垒的装饰华丽的大建筑物A place of privacy, security, or refuge.避难所:隐蔽、安全的地方或避难所Games See rook 2【游戏】 参见 rook2v.(动词)cas.tled,cas.tling,cas.tles v.intr.Games (不及物动词)【游戏】 To move the king in chess from its own square two empty squares to one side and then, in the same move, bring the rook from that side to the square immediately past the new position of the king.用车护王:在国际象棋中,把王从它自己的方格向一边移动两个空方格,然后在同样的移动中把车从那边移至紧靠着王的新位置的方格及物动词)To place in or as if in a castle.放置在城堡中:放置或似放置…于城堡中Games To move (the king in chess) by castling.【游戏】 (在国际象棋中)通过移动车来护(王)
来源:Middle English castel 中古英语 castel from Old English 源自 古英语 and from Norman French 并源自 诺曼法语 both from Latin castellum [diminutive of] castrum * see kes- 都源自 拉丁语 castellum [] castrum的小后缀 *参见 kes-