considered是什么意思 considered在线中文翻译



a. 考虑过的, 被尊重的
be considered as


动词 consider:

  1. deem to be同义词:see, consider, reckon, view, regard
  2. give careful consideration to同义词:study, consider
  3. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes同义词:consider, take, deal, look at
  4. show consideration for; take into account同义词:consider, count, weigh
  5. think about carefully; weigh同义词:consider, debate, moot, turn over, deliberate
  6. judge or regard; look upon; judge同义词:think, believe, consider, conceive
  7. look at attentively同义词:regard, consider
  8. look at carefully; study mentally同义词:view, consider, look at
  9. regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem同义词:consider

形容词 considered:

  1. resulting from careful thought同义词:reasoned, well thought out
  2. carefully weighed


  1. He had always considered her an ideal companion for his son.他一直以为她是他儿子的理想伴侣。
  2. Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.孔子被认为是中国古代最伟大的圣贤。
  3. The novel is considered a brilliant performance.这部小说被认为是出色的佳作。
  4. The temple has been considered an example of classic design.人们认为这座神庙是古典式设计的范例。
  5. British nurse who organized(1854) and directed a unit of field nurses during the Crimean War and is considered the founder of modern nursing.南丁格尔,弗洛伦斯1820-1910英国护士,在克里米亚战争中组织领导野战医院(1854年)并被视为现代护理的奠基人
  6. Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school.契马布埃,乔瓦尼1240?-1302?受训于拜占庭风格的意大利画家,被认为是佛罗伦萨学院的首任校长
  7. British poet considered a precursor of romanticism. His best-known work, The Task(1785), praises rural life and leisure.科伯,威廉1731-1800英国诗人,被认为是浪漫主义的先锋。他的最杰出的作品任务赞美了农村生活和休闲
  8. German astronomer and mathematician. Considered the founder of modern astronomy, he formulated three laws to clarify the theory that the planets revolve around the sun.开普勒,约翰尼斯1571-1630德国天文学家和数学家,被认为是现代天文学的奠基人,他创立了三大定律,说明行星围绕太阳转的理论


adj.(形容词)Reached after or carried out with careful thought; deliberate:深思熟虑的:经过仔细思考后达成的;深思熟虑的:例句:my considered opinion; a considered policy involving a measured response to provocations.我经过深思熟虑得出如下意见:一项涉及到对挑衅所作出的审慎反应的经过深思熟虑的政策
Highly regarded; esteemed.高度评价的;被尊敬的