cream是什么意思 cream在线中文翻译



n. 乳酪, 奶油, 面霜
【医】 乳油, 乳皮; 乳膏, 霜


动词过去式:creamed 过去分词:creamed 现在分词:creaming 第三人称单数:creams 


名词 cream:

  1. the best people or things in a group同义词:pick
  2. the part of milk containing the butterfat
  3. toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin同义词:ointment, emollient

动词 cream:

  1. make creamy by beating
  2. beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight同义词:bat, clobber, drub, thrash, lick
  3. put on cream, as on one's face or body
  4. remove from the surface同义词:skim, skim off, cream off
  5. add cream to one's coffee, for example


  1. She ladled cream over her pudding.她在布丁上浇了一勺奶油。
  2. Don't stint on the cream!不要舍不得放奶油!
  3. A dish of strawberries and cream is not to be despised.一盘草莓加乳酪应该算不差了。
  4. My mother asked me to cream the butter and sugar together.妈妈让我把黄油和糖搅成奶油状。
  5. He put some of the cream on his burn.他在烫伤处擦了些药膏。
  6. Have some cream in your coffee.在你的咖啡里加点奶油吧。


The yellowish fatty component of unhomogenized milk that tends to accumulate at the surface.乳脂:非均质牛奶中易于聚积在牛奶表层的黄色脂肪部分Any of various substances resembling or containing cream:似乳脂物:任何似乳脂或含乳脂的物质:例句:hand cream.护手乳液
Color A pale yellow to yellowish white.【色彩】 浅黄色,米色,乳白色:淡黄色到乳白色The choicest part:精华部分:例句:the cream of the crop.精选农作物
v.(动词)creamed,,creams v.intr.(不及物动词)To form cream.凝成乳脂To form foam or froth at the top.起泡沫:浮生或形成泡沫状之物及物动词)To remove the cream from; skim.撇去乳皮;撇取乳脂To select or remove the best part from:提取或去除…的精华:例句:Many special schools cream off the highest achievers.许多专业学校录取了成绩最好的学生
To beat into a creamy consistency.使成乳脂状To prepare or cook in or with a cream sauce.用乳脂准备或烧烤To add cream to.加乳脂于…Slang To defeat overwhelmingly:【俚语】 以绝对优势获胜:例句:The home team was creamed last night.昨晚主队以绝对优势获胜
来源:Middle English creme 中古英语 creme from Old French craime from Late Latin cr3mum [of Celtic origin] 源自 古法语 craime 源自 后期拉丁语 cr3mum [源于盖尔特语] and from Old French cresme from Latin chrosma [an anointing] from Greek khrisma [unguent] from khriein [to anoint] * see ghrôi- 并源自 古法语 cresme 源自 拉丁语 chrosma [一种油] 源自 希腊语 khrisma [药膏,油膏] 源自 khriein [涂油于…] *参见 ghrôi-