charlotte是什么意思 charlotte在线中文翻译



n. 水果奶油布丁


名词 charlotte:

  1. the largest city in North Carolina; located in south central North Carolina同义词:Queen City
  2. a mold lined with cake or crumbs and filled with fruit or whipped cream or custard


  1. She realizes with a sudden wave of sympathy that Charlotte, a rather homely girl of advancing years, married Mr. Collins out of necessity, fearing a lonely and poverty-stricken life as an old maid.她心中蓦地涌起一股同情,意识到夏绿蒂只是因相貌平平,年龄日见增长,由于害怕成为老姑娘,过孤独、贫寒的生活才不得已嫁给了柯林斯先生。
  2. Immediately after, he becomes engaged to a friend of Elizabeth's, the placid, unimaginative Charlotte Lucas.紧接着他就和伊丽莎白的女友夏绿蒂·卢卡斯订了婚,她性情温和而头脑缺乏想象力。
  3. In March, Elizabeth visits her friend Charlotte Lucas, now married to Mr. Collins, in Kent.三月份,伊丽莎白在肯特郡去看望此时已嫁给柯林斯先生的女友夏绿蒂·卢卡斯。

n.(名词)A dessert consisting of a mold of sponge cake or bread with a filling, as of fruits, whipped cream, or custard.水果奶油布丁:一种甜点心,由松软蛋糕或面包加夹心做成,如加水果、掼奶油或蛋奶沙司
来源:French 法语 from the personal name Charlotte 源自人名 Charlotte