chance是什么意思 chance在线中文翻译

chance[tʃæns, tʃɑ:ns]


n. 机会, 意外, 可能性
vi. 偶然发生
vt. 冒险
chance one's arm
not even a dog's chance
on the chance of
on the off chance of
stand a good chance
stand no chance
take a chance
take one's chance
There is a chance that...
leave it to chance
chance it
as it may chance
by any chance
by chance


动词过去式:chanced 过去分词:chanced 现在分词:chancing 第三人称单数:chances 


chance, opportunity, occasion
chance: 侧重指偶然或意外的机会,有时也指正常或好的机会。
opportunity: 侧重指有利或适合于采取行动,以达到某一目的或实现某种愿望的最佳时机或机会。
occasion: 指特殊时机或良机,也指时节。
venture, chance, dare, hazard, risk
venture: 指冒风险试一试,或指有礼貌的反抗或反对。
chance: 指碰运气、冒风险试试。
dare: 可与venture换用,但语气较强,着重挑战或违抗。
hazard: 主要指冒险作出某个选择,隐含碰运气意味。
risk: 指不顾个人安危去干某事,侧重主动承担风险。


名词 chance:

  1. a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances同义词:opportunity
  2. an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another同义词:luck, fortune, hazard
  3. a risk involving danger
  4. a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur; a number expressing the ratio of favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible同义词:probability
  5. the possibility of future success同义词:prospect

动词 chance:

  1. be the case by chance
  2. take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome同义词:gamble, risk, hazard, take chances, adventure, run a risk, take a chance
  3. come upon, as if by accident; meet with同义词:find, happen, bump, encounter

形容词 chance:

  1. occurring or appearing or singled out by chance同义词:accidental, casual


  1. It was the chance she had been waiting for.这就是她一直等待的机会。
  2. She's keen and I'm sure she'll succeed given half a chance.她聪明机智,只要有点儿机会我肯定她会成功。
  3. Please give me a chance to explain.请给我个机会让我解释一下。
  4. We may lose a lot of support, but that's a chance we'll have to take.我们或许会失去很多支持,但这个风险我们必须冒一冒。
  5. I never miss a chance of playing football.我从不错过踢足球的机会。
  6. A chance meeting brought the two old friends together again.偶然的相遇使两位老朋友重新聚首。


The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause.偶然性:在似乎无因可查的事件中末知和不可预测的成分A force assumed to cause events that cannot be foreseen or controlled; luck:机缘,侥幸:被认为引起不能预知或控制的事件的力量;运气:例句:Chance will determine the outcome.机缘将决定结果
Often chances The likelihood of something happening; possibility or probability: 常作 chances 或然率,机率:很有可能发生的情况;可能性或极可能性:例句:Chances are good that you will win. Is there any chance of rainô极有可能你会赢。有可能下雨吗ô
An accidental or unpredictable event.偶然的事,意想不到的事A favorable set of circumstances; an opportunity:机遇,机会:有利的状况或环境;机会:例句:a chance to escape.逃跑的机会
A risk or hazard; a gamble:风险或危险;冒险:例句:took a chance that the ice would hold me.甘冒冰层可以承受住我的危险
Games A raffle or lottery ticket.【游戏】 奖券,彩票Baseball An opportunity to make a putout or an assist that counts as an error if unsuccessful.【棒球】 刺杀出局,夹杀:做一次传杀或助杀的机会,不成功则算误杀adj.(形容词)Caused by or ascribable to chance; unexpected, random, or casual:恰巧的,偶然的:由机缘引起的或归因于机缘的;没有预想到的,随意的,随便的:例句:a chance encounter; a chance result.邂逅;不曾料想的结果
v.(动词)chanced,, v.intr.(不及物动词)To come about by chance; occur:偶然发生;出现:例句:It chanced that the train was late that day.那天偶然火车晚点及物动词)To take the risk or hazard of:冒…险:例句:not willing to chance it.不愿意去冒险
<常用词组>chance on 或
chance upon
To find or meet accidentally; happen upon:偶然找到,偶然遇到;偶然碰到:例句:While in Paris we chanced on two old friends.在巴黎我们偶然碰到两位老朋友
常用词组><习惯用语>by chance
Without plan; accidentally:意外地;偶然地:例句:They met by chance on a plane.他们在飞机上不期而遇
Possibly; perchance:或许;可能:例句:Is he, by chance, her brotherô他可能是她哥哥吗ô
on the off chance
In the slight hope or possibility.万一发生:抱着微小的希望或可能性习惯用语>来源:Middle English [unexpected event] 中古英语 [不曾预料的事件] from Old French 源自 古法语 from Vulgar Latin *cadentia 源自 俗拉丁语 *cadentia from Latin cadôns cadent- [present participle of] cadere [to fall, befall] * see kad- 源自 拉丁语 cadôns cadent- [] cadere的现在分词 [滑落,发生] *参见 kad-
<参考词汇><同义词>chance,random,casual,haphazard,desultory同义词>These adjectives apply to what is determined not by deliberation or method but by accident.这些形容词适用于不是由特意或方法而是由偶然性决定的情况。 Chance stresses lack of premeditation: Chance 强调缺乏事先考虑: 例句:a chance meeting with a friend.与一位朋友邂逅。
Random implies the absence of a specific pattern or objective and suggests a lack of direction that might or could profitably be imposed: Random 含指没有特定的模式或目的,并含有缺少原本能有益定向意思: 例句:struck by a random shot;被流弹击中;
例句:took a random guess.任意猜想。
Casual stresses lack of deliberation and often suggests an absence of due concern: Casual 强调缺少考虑以及应有的关注: 例句:made a casual observation.做随随便便的观察。
Haphazard implies a carelessness or a willful leaving to chance: Haphazard 含指粗心大意,乐意听任机缘: 例句:offered a haphazard plan of action.提供了一个随意的行动计划。
Desultory suggests a shifting about from one thing to another that reflects a lack of method: Desultory 暗指从一件东西移到另一件,反映缺少方法: 例句:engaged in a desultory conversation. See also Synonyms at happen ,opportunity 进行一次不连贯的漫谈 参见同义词 happen,opportunity