cruel是什么意思 cruel在线中文翻译



a. 残酷的, 令人极痛苦的
【法】 残忍的, 残酷的
be cruel to sb
give sb cruel disappointment


副词:cruelly 形容词比较级:crueler,crueller 最高级:cruelest,cruellest 


cruel, brutal, inhuman, savage, barbarous, fierce, ruthless
cruel: 一般用词,指行动或态度的残忍。
brutal: 指极端的残忍,强调无情或缺乏同情心,含不择手段的意味。
inhuman: 着重缺乏同情心、仁爱等人类特有的良好的品质。
savage: 指缺乏文明人应有的教养,尤指在动怒或冲动时表现出的粗野蛮横,含野蛮意味。
barbarous: 专指只有原始或未开化的人才会有的残忍行为。
fierce: 指天性凶恶,令人害怕。
ruthless: 与cruel同义。强调为达到目的,对别人的痛苦毫无怜悯之心。


形容词 cruel:

  1. (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering同义词:barbarous, brutal, fell, roughshod, savage, vicious
  2. (of weapons or instruments) causing suffering and pain同义词:brutal


  1. His cruel remarks cut me deeply.他那无情的话太伤我的心了。
  2. In fairy stories, the ogre is cruel and eats people.在神话故事中,魔鬼很残忍而且吃人。
  3. The feudal barons were cruel to the people.封建贵族对人民很残酷。
  4. Destiny is sometimes cruel.命运有时是残酷的。
  5. That emperor was a cruel despot.那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。
  6. He is a cruel assassin.他是个残忍的杀手。
  7. We shouldn't be cruel to animals.我们不应该对动物残忍。
  8. The death of their daughter was a cruel blow.女儿的死对他们是一个残酷的打击。


adj.(形容词) 或 cru.el.ler cru.el.est 或 cru.el.lest Disposed to inflict pain or suffering.残暴的:倾向于强加痛楚或痛苦的Causing suffering; painful.导致痛苦的;痛苦的
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin crôdôlis * see kreu…- 源自 拉丁语 crôdôlis *参见 kreu…-
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>cruel,fierce,ferocious,barbarous,inhuman,savage,vicious同义词>These adjectives mean showing a disposition to inflict violence, pain, or hardship, or to find satisfaction in the suffering of others.这些形容词的意思是显示强加暴力、痛苦或困难的倾向或在他人的痛苦中得到满足的倾向的。 Cruel implies both disposition to harm and satisfaction in or indifference to suffering: Cruel 意指伤害他人以及在他人的痛苦中得到满足或对他人的受苦无动于衷这两种倾向: 例句:a cruel tyrant.残暴的独裁者。
Fierce suggests the fearless aggression of a wild animal: Fierce 意指野生动物的残暴的侵犯: 例句:a fierce attack;一次猛攻;
例句:fierce anger.狂怒。
Ferocious adds tofierce connotations of rabid fury and rampant brutality: Ferocious 比fierce 更进一步,有暴怒和极度残忍的含义: 例句:a ferocious attack dog;一只凶猛进攻的狗;
例句:a ferocious battle for supremacy.一次争夺霸权地位的恶战。
Barbarous suggests harshness and cruelty that befit only primitive human beings: Barbarous 意指只对原始人类有利的无情和残酷: 例句:committed a barbarous crime.犯了残暴的罪行。
Inhuman means markedly deficient in those qualities such as kindness and sympathy that are proper to a human being: Inhuman 的意思是明显缺乏适宜于人类的诸如仁慈和同情之类的那些素质的: 例句:cruel and inhuman behavior.残暴的非人道行为。
Savage implies a lack of the control or moderation expected of a civilized person: Savage 意指缺乏文明人所应有的控制或适度的: 例句:a savage outburst of temper;大发脾气;
例句:a savage slap.狠狠的一记耳光。
Vicious suggests a disposition to malicious, violent, or destructive behavior: Vicious 意指有恶意、暴力或毁灭性行为倾向的: 例句:vicious animosity;恶毒的敌意;
例句:a vicious anonymous letter;一封带有恶毒敌意的信;
例句:a vicious kick. 狠狠一脚