crash是什么意思 crash在线中文翻译



n. 哗啦声, 猛撞, 崩溃, 粗布
vt. 撞碎, 破碎, (使)...坠毁
vi. 撞碎, 破碎, (使)...坠毁
a. 速成的
【计】 崩溃
【经】 大跌, (市场)总崩溃


名词:crasher 动词过去式:crashed 过去分词:crashed 现在分词:crashing 第三人称单数:crashes 


名词 crash:

  1. a loud resonant repeating noise同义词:clang, clangor, clangour, clangoring, clank, clash
  2. a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles)同义词:wreck
  3. a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)同义词:collapse
  4. the act of colliding with something同义词:smash
  5. (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative

动词 crash:

  1. fall or come down violently
  2. move with, or as if with, a crashing noise
  3. undergo damage or destruction on impact同义词:ram
  4. move violently as through a barrier
  5. break violently or noisily; smash;同义词:break up, break apart
  6. occupy, usually uninvited
  7. enter uninvited; informal同义词:barge in, gate-crash
  8. cause to crash
  9. hurl or thrust violently同义词:dash
  10. undergo a sudden and severe downturn
  11. stop operating同义词:go down
  12. sleep in a convenient place同义词:doss, doss down


  1. The rocks crashed (down) onto the car.岩石轰隆一声砸在汽车上。
  2. He crashed his car (into a wall).他把汽车撞(到墙上)了。
  3. The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade.1929年的经济大萧条摧毁了国际贸易。
  4. The plane crashed (into the mountain).飞机撞毁(在山上)了。
  5. The tree crashed through the window.树哗啦一声倒入窗内。
  6. The thunder crashed.雷声隆隆。
  7. Mind if I crash (out) on your floor tonight?今晚我在你家打地铺行吗?
  8. The dishes crashed to the floor.碗碟哗啦一声掉在地板上。


v.(动词)crashed,, v.intr.(不及物动词)
To break violently or noisily; smash.重击,撞碎:发出剧烈声音地碰撞;撞碎To undergo sudden damage or destruction on impact:损毁,坠毁:碰撞中造成的突然损毁:例句:Their car crashed into a guardrail. The airplane crashed over the ocean.他们的车撞上护栏。飞机在海洋上坠毁
To make a sudden loud noise:发出突然撞击声:例句:breakers crashing against the rocks.海浪砰然撞在岩石上
To move noisily or so as to cause damage:横冲直撞:发出响声地移动并造成破坏:例句:went crashing through the woods.横冲直撞地穿过树林
To fail suddenly, as a market or an economy.失败,破产:市场或经济等的突然失败Slang To undergo a period especially of depression as an aftereffect of drug-taking.【俚语】 沮丧期:吸毒后经历的一个意志消沉时期Slang 【俚语】 To find temporary lodging or shelter, as for the night.暂时夜宿处:找到(如晚上)临时寄宿或避难的地方To go to sleep.去睡觉及物动词)To cause to crash.使碰撞To dash to pieces; smash.坠毁;撞坏Informal To join or enter (a party, for example) without invitation.【非正式用语】 不请自来:不经邀请进入(如宴会)n.(名词)A sudden loud noise, as of an object breaking.碰撞声:物体破裂等突然发出的很响的声音
A smashing to pieces.撞毁A collision, as between two automobiles.See Synonyms at collision 两辆车之间等的碰撞参见 collisionA sudden economic or fiscal failure.经济或财政上的突然失败Slang Mental depression after drug-taking.【俚语】 吸毒后的精神消沉adj.Informal (形容词)【非正式用语】 Of or characterized by an intensive effort to produce or accomplish:速成的:加倍努力产生或完成的:例句:a crash course on income-tax preparation; a crash diet.对所得税的准备不遗余力;决心要节食
<习惯用语>crash and burn【俚语】
To fail utterly.彻底失败To fall asleep from exhaustion.精疲力尽后入睡To wipe out, as in skateboarding.清除,如在滑雪板上习惯用语>来源:Middle English crasschen ; akin to probably akin to crasen [to shatter] * see craze 中古英语 crasschen ;类似于 可能类似于 crasen [弄散] *参见 craze
crash 2
n.(名词)A coarse, light, unevenly woven fabric of cotton or linen, used for towels and curtains.粗布:一种用棉或亚麻布织成的粗糙、质轻且织得不平整的纤维,用于做毛巾或窗帘Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book.书面:用于加固书本封皮或合订本书脊的浆硬加厚织布
来源:From Russian krashenina [colored linen] 源自 俄语 krashenina [染色亚麻布] from krashenie [coloring] 源自 krashenie [色彩] from krasit` [to color] * see ker- 3源自 krasit` [给…着色] *参见 ker- 3