conductor是什么意思 conductor在线中文翻译



n. 领导者, 指挥者, 售票员, 向导
【化】 导体
【医】 导体; 导管
【经】 管理人, 指导者


名词:conductorship 形容词:conductorial 


名词 conductor:

  1. the person who leads a musical group同义词:music director, director
  2. a device designed to transmit electricity, heat, etc.
  3. a substance that readily conducts e.g. electricity and heat
  4. the person who collects fares on a public conveyance


  1. The young soprano was taken up by a famous conductor.那年轻的女高音歌手受到一著名指挥家的提携。
  2. Under its new conductor, the errorism Act.根据防止恐怖活动法案,拘留了六名疑犯。
  3. The choir gave a ragged performance, ie The singers were not following the conductor.合唱队演唱得很不和谐(歌唱者不听从指挥).
  4. The orchestra were all in position, waiting for the conductor.管弦乐队队员都已各就各位,等待著指挥。
  5. His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy.他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。
  6. The bus conductor became the man of the moment when he acted as midwife to a woman who gave birth to a baby on his bus.当这个公共汽车售票员为一个在车上生产的妇女接生时,他曾名噪一时。
  7. The conductor punched his bus ticket.售票员用剪票夹在他的汽车票上打孔。
  8. She is a bus conductor.她是一名公共汽车售票员。


n.Abbr. cond.(名词)缩写 cond.One who conducts, especially:指挥者,尤指:One who is in charge of a railroad train, bus, or streetcar.车长:火车,汽车或电车的管理员Music One who directs an orchestra or other such group.【音乐】 指挥家:指挥交响乐队或类似团体的人Physics A substance or medium that conducts heat, light, sound, or especially an electric charge.【物理学】 导体:传导热、光、声或特别是电荷的物质或介质A lightning rod, as on a house or barn.避雷针,如房子或仓库上面的