city是什么意思 city在线中文翻译



n. 城市, 市
【法】 都市, 城市, 市




city, town
city: 一般指大城市或重要城市。
town: 一般指规模小的城镇,也指城市中的市区,有时也泛指城市。


名词 city:

  1. a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts同义词:metropolis, urban center
  2. an incorporated administrative district established by state charter
  3. people living in a large densely populated municipality同义词:metropolis


  1. The parks of this city are famous for their ornate fountains.这个城市的公园以其华丽的喷泉而著名。
  2. The city is held by the enemy.这座城市已被敌人占领。
  3. This family has resided in this city for 60 years.这个家族住在本城已有60 年了。
  4. I live in the west of the city.我住在该城市的西部。
  5. The City reacted sharply to the fall in oil prices.伦敦商业区对油价下跌反应强烈。
  6. Beijing is a large city.北京是一座大城市。


n.(名词)【复数】 cit.ies 缩写 C.A center of population, commerce, and culture; a town of significant size and importance.城市,都市:人口、商业和文化的中心;一个大规模和重要的城镇
An incorporated municipality in the United States with definite boundaries and legal powers set forth in a charter granted by the state.特定自治区:美国的有明确边界,并根据州特许权而有合法权利的一个合并的市自治机关A Canadian municipality of high rank, usually determined by population but varying by province.自治区:加拿大的高级自治城市,通常依人口而定,但因省而异A large incorporated town in Great Britain, usually the seat of a bishop, with its title conferred by the Crown.大型联合城镇:英国的拥有皇家特许状,且通常为主教所在地的大的合为一体的城镇The inhabitants of a city considered as a group.全市居民:被看作一个群体的一个城市的居住者An ancient Greek city-state.古希腊城邦City An area or complex specializing in a particular type of merchandise. Often used in combination: City 特定商业形式地区:专营某种特定商品的一个区域或综合企业,常用于合成词:例句:Car City on Route A; Bargain City.A路汽车城;平价商业区
Slang Used in combination as an intensive:【俚语】 用在合成词里作加强语气的词:例句:The playing field was mud city after the big rain.大雨过后运动场地成了泥泞之都
来源:Middle English cite 中古英语 cite from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin covit3s 源自 拉丁语 covit3s from covis [citizen] * see kei- 源自 covis [市民] *参见 kei-