challenge是什么意思 challenge在线中文翻译



n. 挑战, 盘问
vt. 向...挑战, 要求, 怀疑
vi. 挑战, 对(证据等)表示异议
【经】 挑战, 申请回避
beyond challenge
rise to the challenge


动词过去式:challenged 过去分词:challenged 现在分词:challenging 第三人称单数:challenges 形容词:challengeable 


名词 challenge:

  1. a demanding or stimulating situation
  2. a call to engage in a contest or fight
  3. questioning a statement and demanding an explanation
  4. a formal objection to the selection of a particular person as a juror
  5. a demand by a sentry for a password or identification

动词 challenge:

  1. take exception to同义词:dispute, gainsay
  2. issue a challenge to
  3. ask for identification
  4. raise a formal objection in a court of law同义词:take exception


  1. The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.时机已经成熟,可以向政府权力提出挑战了。
  2. They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world.他们曾向世界上最强的球队挑战并将他们打败。
  3. This career offers a challenge.这份职业具有挑战性。
  4. Nowadays no one will challenge the fact that the earth is round.现在没有人会对地球是圆的这一事实提出异议。


A call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition:挑战:提出挑战、竞赛或竞争:例句:a challenge to a duel.挑战要求决斗
An act or statement of defiance; a call to confrontation:对抗:反对的言论或举动;公然对抗:例句:a challenge to the government`s authority.公然对抗政府权威
A demand for explanation or justification; a calling into question:质疑:要求解释或证明为正当;质疑:例句:a challenge to a theory.对一项理论质疑
A sentry`s call to an unknown party for proper identification.口令,暗号:哨兵大声向一群不认识的人索要身份证明A test of one`s abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking:挑战:在要求高但振奋人心的事业中对人的能力与才智的考验:例句:a career that offers a challenge.大有作为的事业
A claim that a vote is invalid or that a voter is unqualified.选举无效的声明:声称某一投票无效或某一投票人不合格Law A formal objection to the inclusion of a prospective juror in a jury.【法律】 宣布反对:正式对某位预期的陪审员列入陪审团表示异议Immunology The induction or evaluation of an immune response in an organism by administration of a specific antigen to which it has been sensitized.【免疫学】 激发:对某有机体注入使它敏感化的特定抗原以诱导或评价它的免疫反应v.(动词)chal.lenged,,及物动词)
To call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition:挑战:提出挑战、竞赛或竞争:例句:challenged me to a game of chess.以下棋向我挑战
To invite with defiance; dare:公然挑战;公然反抗:例句:challenged him to contradict her.See Synonyms at defy 挑动他去反对她参见 defy
To take exception to; call into question; dispute:表示异议;质疑;争议:例句:a book that challenges established beliefs.对确定的信念表示异议的书籍
To order to halt and be identified, as by a sentry.验明身份:(被哨兵)命令停止前进并查明身份Law To take formal objection to (a prospective juror).【法律】 提出反对:(对预期的陪审员)正式表示反对To question the qualifications of (a voter) or validity of (a vote).对(投票人的)资格或(选票的)有效性质疑To have due claim to; call for:正式要求;需要:例句:events that challenge our attention.引起我们注意的事件
To summon to action, effort, or use; stimulate:运用,激励:要求行动,努力去做,或发挥作用;激励:例句:a problem that challenges the imagination.运用想象力的问题
Immunology To induce or evaluate an immune response in (an organism) by administering a specific antigen to which it has been sensitized.【免疫学】 测试:对某有机体注入使它敏感化的特定抗原以诱导或评价它的免疫反应v.intr.(不及物动词)To make or give voice to a challenge.回应挑战To begin barking upon picking up the scent. Used of hunting dogs.吠叫:猎犬嗅到兽迹时发出吠叫。用于猎狗
来源:Middle English chalenge 中古英语 chalenge from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin calumnia [trickery, false accusation] * see calumny 源自 拉丁语 calumnia [耍花招,虚假指责] *参见 calumnyV., from Middle English chalengen 动词,源自 中古英语 chalengen from Old French chalangier 源自 古法语 chalangier from Latin calumni3ro 源自 拉丁语 calumni3ro from calumnia [calumny] 源自 calumnia [诽谤]