choice是什么意思 choice在线中文翻译



n. 选择, 精选品, 选择权
a. 精选的, 挑三拣四的, 上等的
【计】 DOS内部命令:在批处理文件中
该命令用于提示用户作出选择, 决定批处理文件的流程
make choice of
of choice
take one's choice
take for choice
pick sth with choice
at choice
by choice
for choice
have no choice
have one's choice
Hobson's choice


形容词比较级:choicer 最高级:choicest 名词:choiceness 副词:choicely 


choice, alternative, preference, option, selection, election
choice: 侧重指自由选择的权利或特权。
alternative: 指在相互排斥的两者之间作严格的选择,也可指在两者以上中进行选择。
preference: 侧重因偏见、爱好或判断等而进行选择。
option: 着重特别给予的选择权,所选物常常相互排斥。
selection: 指作广泛的选择,着重选择者的识别力或鉴赏力。
election: 强调目的和达到目的判断能力。


名词 choice:

  1. the person or thing chosen or selected同义词:pick, selection
  2. the act of choosing or selecting同义词:selection, option, pick
  3. one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen同义词:option, alternative

形容词 choice:

  1. of superior grade同义词:prime, prize, quality, select
  2. appealing to refined taste


  1. She wouldn't be my choice as Prime Minister.她不是我看中做首相的人。
  2. There is no choice between the two.两者半斤八两。
  3. We each had to make a choice.我们每个人都必须做出选择、
  4. They are the choice of the men.他们是队伍中的精英。
  5. She can exercise little choice.她几乎没有选择余地。


n.(名词)The act of choosing; selection.选择:选择的行为;选择The power, right, or liberty to choose; option.选择权:进行选择的能力、权力或自由;选择权One that is chosen.被选中的人或物A number or variety from which to choose:供选择的东西:可从中进行选择的一些数目或种类:例句:a wide choice of styles and colors.许多可供选择的样式和颜色
The best or most preferable part.精华:最好的或非常好的部分Care in choosing.审慎:选择时的小心谨慎An alternative.替代的人或物adj.(形容词),choic.est
Of very fine quality.质量非常好的Appealing to refined taste.迎合高雅品味的Selected with care.经审慎挑选的Of the U.S. Government grade of meat higher than good and lower than prime.中等的:在美国政府制定的肉类等级中高于好的但低于上等的
<习惯用语>of choice
Preferred above others of the same kind or set:优先选择的:在同一类或同一组中比别的更受欢迎的:例句:.the much used leveraged buyout as the weapon of choice.(Alison Leigh Cowan).把举债经营、全部收买的老办法当作特别武器.(艾利森·利·考恩)
习惯用语>来源:Middle English chois 中古英语 chois from Old French 源自 古法语 from choisir [to choose] 源自 choisir [选择] from Vulgar Latin *causore 源自 俗拉丁语 *causore [of Germanic origin] * see geus- [源自日耳曼语的] *参见 geus-
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>choice,alternative,option,preference,selection,election同义词>Each of these nouns denotes the act, power, or right of choosing.这些名词中都表示选择的行为、能力或权力。 Choice implies broadly the freedom to choose from a set, as of persons or things: Choice 广泛地指从一组人或物中进行选择的自由: 例句:The store offers a wide choice of fruits and vegetables.商店提供许多可供选择的水果和蔬菜。
例句:I had no choice—their decision was final.我没有选择的余地——他们的决定已成定局。
Alternative emphasizes a choosing between only two possibilities or courses of action: Alternative 强调在只有两种可能性或者行为方式之间所作的选择: 例句:.An unhappy alternative is before you, Elizabeth. . . . Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see you again if you do . (Jane Austen). .伊丽莎白,你面前摆着只有两种令人不快的选择。…如果你不 嫁给柯林斯先生,你母亲会再也不愿见到你,而如果你嫁给他,我会再也不愿见到你. (简·奥斯丁)。
Option often stresses a power or liberty to choose that has been granted, as by an authority: Option 常常侧重于已经被权威等所授予的一种选择能力或自由: 例句:The option lies between accepting the candidate the administration proposes and reconstituting the search committee.可以在接受由领导提名的候选人以及重组选拔委员会之间作出选择。
Preference indicates choice based on one`s values, bias, or predilections: Preference 指基于个人价值观、偏见或偏好上的选择: 例句:We were offered our preference of wines.我们可以选择自己喜欢的葡萄酒。
Selection suggests a variety of things or persons to choose from: Selection 含有可供选择的许多不同的人或物的意思: 例句:Parents should exercise care in their selection of the movies their young children see.家长们在为他们年幼的孩子们挑选所看的电影时应小心谨慎。
Election especially emphasizes the use of judgment in choosing: Election 特别强调选择时使用判断力: 例句:The university recommends the election of courses in composition and literature. See also Synonyms at delicate 校方建议选择有关写作与文学的课程 参见同义词 delicate