bruise是什么意思 bruise在线中文翻译



n. 青肿, 挫伤, 擦伤
vi. 受伤, 擦伤
vt. 使受伤, 研碎
【医】 挫伤, 捣碎


动词过去式:bruised 过去分词:bruised 现在分词:bruising 第三人称单数:bruises 


wound, bruise, cut, scar
wound: 通常指尖锐锋利的工具所致的伤口,多深及到表皮组织以下。可用作引申指打击或伤害。
bruise: 指表皮下面的组织受损,但没有破裂。但由于血流进组织,因而出现紫块。普通用词。
cut: 指因尖利的器械的刺或割而造成的或深或浅的伤口。
scar: 主要指伤口愈合而留下的伤疤。


名词 bruise:

  1. an injury that doesn't break the skin but results in some discoloration同义词:contusion

动词 bruise:

  1. injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of同义词:contuse
  2. hurt the feelings of同义词:hurt, wound, injure, offend, spite
  3. break up into small pieces for food preparation
  4. damage (plant tissue) by abrasion of pressure


  1. She had a dilly of a bruise on her arm.她手臂上有一块显眼的伤痕。
  2. She fell and bruised her knee.她摔倒在地,膝盖上起了紫血块。


To injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of (part of the body) without breaking the skin, as by a blow.青肿:使皮下软组织或骨头受伤,但并没弄破皮肤,如挨一击To damage (plant tissue), as by abrasion or pressure:植物损伤:碰伤(植物组织),如由于摩擦或挤压:例句:bruised the fruit by careless packing.包装时不小心碰伤了水果
To dent or mar.削弱或损害To pound (berries, for example) into fragments; crush.捣碎(例如,草莓);研细To hurt, especially psychologically.(尤指精神上)伤害v.intr.(不及物动词)To experience or undergo bruising:碰伤,打肿:例句:Peaches bruise easily.桃子很容易碰伤
n.(名词)An injury to underlying tissues or bone in which the skin is not broken, often characterized by ruptured blood vessels and discolorations.青肿:皮下组织或骨头受伤,皮肤没破损,症状是血管破裂,有淤血斑A similar injury to plant tissue, often resulting in discoloration or spoilage.水果的伤痕:植物组织的类似伤口,伤处有色斑,易腐烂An injury, especially to one`s feelings.感情方面的挫折,伤害
来源:Middle English bruisen 中古英语 bruisen from Old English brtsan [to crush,] 源自 古英语 brtsan [压碎] and from Old North French bruisier [of Germanic origin] 并源自 古法国北方方言 bruisier [日耳曼语源]