buffalo是什么意思 buffalo在线中文翻译



n. 水牛
【机】 水牛


动词过去式:buffaloed 过去分词:buffaloed 现在分词:buffaloing 第三人称单数:buffaloes 名词复数:buffalo 


ox, bull, cow, buffalo
ox: 泛指野生或驯养的牛类,系动物学的用词,通称,也指公牛。
bull: 指未经阉割,通常用于配种的公牛,也指西班牙或美洲经专门饲养用作斗牛表演的公牛,引申指彪形大汉。
cow: 指任何品种的成年母牛或乳用的乳牛。
buffalo: 指水牛,在美国指野牛。


名词 buffalo:

  1. large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains同义词:American bison, American buffalo, Bison bison
  2. a city on Lake Erie in western New York (near Niagara Falls)
  3. meat from an American bison
  4. any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffalo同义词:Old World buffalo

动词 buffalo:

  1. intimidate or overawe


  1. He tried to buffalo me at first meeting but I soon caught on to his tricks.初次见面时他企图欺骗我,但是我很快就明白了他耍的花招。
  2. There were lots of buffaloes in the North America 100 years ago.100年前,北美有大量的野牛。


n.(名词)【复数】 buffalo 或 buf.fa.loes 或 buf.fa.los
Any of several oxlike Old World mammals of the family Bovidae, such as the water buffalo and Cape buffalo.水牛,野牛:一种似牛的东半球牛科哺乳动物,如水牛和非洲野牛The North American bison,Bison bison. 北美野牛:野牛 属的北美野牛 The buffalo fish.牛鱼v.tr.(及物动词)buf.fa.loed,buf.fa.lo.ing,buf.fa.loes To intimidate, as by a display of confidence or authority:威胁,恐吓:用显示信心或权势来恫吓:例句:.The board couldn`t buffalo the federal courts as it had the Comptroller.(American Banker).委员会无法威胁联邦法庭,因为他们有审计官.(美国银行家)
To deceive; hoodwink:欺骗;蒙蔽:例句:.Too often . . . job seekers have buffaloed lenders as to their competency and training.(H. Jane Lehman).太多求职者在他们的能力和所受训练上蒙蔽用人单位.(H.简·莱曼)
To confuse; bewilder.迷惑;困惑
来源:Italian bufalo 意大利语 bufalo or Portuguese 或 葡萄牙语 or Spanish búfalo 或 西班牙语 búfalo from Late Latin falus 源自 后期拉丁语 falus from Latin balus 源自 拉丁语 balus from Greek boubalos 源自 希腊语 boubalos
<注释>The buffalo is so closely associated with the Wild West that it would seem natural to assume that its name comes from a Native American word, as is the case with the wordsmoose and skunk. In fact, however,buffalo can probably be traced back by way of one or more of the Romance languages, such as Portuguese, Spanish, or Italian, through Vulgar Latin and Latin and ultimately to the Greek wordboubalos, meaning .an antelope or a buffalo.. The buffalo referred to by the Greek and Latin words was, of course, not the American one but rather an Old World mammal, such as the water buffalo of southern Asia.Applied to the North American mammal,buffalo is in fact a misnomer, bison being the preferred term. As far as everyday usage is concerned, however,buffalo, first recorded for the American mammal in '35, is older thanbison, first recorded in 774. 野牛同西部荒原联系如此紧密以致人们很自然地认为这个名字源于美洲本地语言,就象这两个词mooseskunk。 然而,实际上buffalo 一词可以通过一种或更多种日耳曼语言,如葡萄牙语、西班牙语或意大利语溯源。 通过通俗拉丁语和拉丁语最终追溯到希腊词boubalos 意思是.羚羊或野牛.。 希腊语和拉丁语所指的野牛当然不是美洲野牛,而是东半球的一种哺乳动物,如南亚水牛。就北美哺乳动物来说,buffalo 实际上是用词不当, bison 才是合适的词。 然而就日常用法而言,buffalo 于'35年首次被用于记录美国哺乳动物, 比首次记录于774年的bison 要早些 注释>