bulk是什么意思 bulk在线中文翻译



n. 大小, 体积, 大块, 大多数
vt. 显得大, 显得重要
【经】 散装, 大量(批), 用眼力估计(重量)
bulk up
in bulk


动词过去式:bulked 过去分词:bulked 现在分词:bulking 第三人称单数:bulks 


名词 bulk:

  1. the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part同义词:majority
  2. the property of something that is great in magnitude同义词:mass, volume
  3. the property possessed by a large mass

动词 bulk:

  1. stick out or up
  2. cause to bulge or swell outwards同义词:bulge


  1. The war still bulks large in the memories of those who fought in it.对於那些曾参战的人来说,那场战争仍记忆犹新。
  2. Do they charge carriage by bulk?他们是否按体积计算运费?
  3. The cake bulked up.蛋糕发起来了。


n.(名词)Size, mass, or volume, especially when very large.容积,体积:大小、体积或容积,常指很大时
A distinct mass or portion of matter, especially a large one:大块,大量:物体很明显的重量或部分,尤指一个大物体:例句:the dark bulk of buildings against the sky.天空下的巨大建筑群
The body of a human being, especially when large.大块头:人的身体,尤指块头很大的人的身体The major portion or greater part:大量:主要部分或较大的部分:例句:.The great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful.(Bertrand Russell).大量必须做的工作真令人痛苦.(伯特兰·罗素)
See fiber 参见 fiber Thickness of paper or cardboard in relation to weight.纸厚:与重量联系在一起的纸或硬纸的厚度Abbr. blk.Nautical A ship`s cargo.缩写 blk.【航海】 一船货v.(动词)bulked,bulk.ing,bulks v.intr.(不及物动词)To be or appear to be massive in terms of size, volume, or importance; loom:显得大或重要:从大小、体积或重要性来看得很巨大或很重要;巨大的:例句:Safety considerations bulked large during development of the new spacecraft.在建造新的宇宙飞船时安全考虑占了很大比重
To grow or increase in size or importance.增加:在大小或重要性上增加了To cohere or form a mass:结成大块:凝聚成一团或形成一堆:例句:Certain paper bulks well.一些纸的聚合性很好
v.tr.(及物动词)To cause to swell or expand.使膨胀或延伸To cause to cohere or form a mass.伸成长块:使凝聚成一团或形成一堆adj.(形容词)Being large in mass, quantity, or volume:大批的,大量的:在体积、数量或容积上大的:例句:a bulk buy; a bulk mailing.大量购买;很重的邮件
<习惯用语>in bulk
Unpackaged; loose.散装的;松散的In large numbers, amounts, or volume.大批,大量:数量、数目或体积很大习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 perhaps partly alteration of bouk [belly, trunk of the body] from Old English c 可能为 bouk的部分变化 [肚子,身体的主体] 源自 古英语 c and partly from Old Norse bulki [cargo, heap] * see bhel- 2并且部分源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 bulki [货物,大量] *参见 bhel- 2