balanced是什么意思 balanced在线中文翻译



a. 公平的, 平衡的
【计】 平衡的, 对称的, 均衡的


动词 balance:

  1. bring into balance or equilibrium同义词:balance, equilibrate, equilibrize, equilibrise
  2. compute credits and debits of an account同义词:balance
  3. hold or carry in equilibrium同义词:poise, balance
  4. be in equilibrium同义词:balance

形容词 balanced:

  1. being in a state of proper balance or equilibrium
  2. total debits and credits are equal


  1. A sentence of several carefully balanced clauses in formal writing.复合句正式文体中包括若干从句的结构匀称的句子
  2. She balanced the attractions of a high salary against the prospect of working long hours.她对高薪和长工时两者的利弊作了权衡比较。
  3. He balanced precariously on the narrow window-ledge.他在狭窄的窗台上很难保持平衡。
  4. A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body.均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养。