bud是什么意思 bud在线中文翻译



n. 芽, 花蕾
vi. 发芽, 萌芽
vt. 使发芽
【医】 芽
in bud
nip in the bud


名词:budder 动词过去式:budded 过去分词:budded 现在分词:budding 第三人称单数:buds 


名词 bud:

  1. a partially opened flower
  2. a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals

动词 bud:

  1. develop buds
  2. start to grow or develop


  1. She wanted to be an actress, but her father soon nipped that idea in the bud.她想当演员,但她父亲一知道这个想法就阻止住了。
  2. The new buds appear in the spring.春天嫩芽初绽。
  3. The roses are in bud.玫瑰花正含苞待放。


n.(名词)Botany 【植物学】 A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.芽,萌芽:茎或枝上小的隆起物,有时被包在保护性的介壳中,内中有未发育的根、叶子或花The stage or condition of having buds:萌芽状态:处于萌芽阶段或状态:例句:branches in full bud.长满芽的枝条
Biology 【生物学】 An asexual reproductive structure, as in yeast or a hydra, that consists of an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.芽体:一种无性再生结构,如酵母或水螅,包含有一个外部生长物,可以发育成一个新的个体A small, rounded organic part, such as a taste bud, that resembles a plant bud.蕾:一个小的,圆形的器官组成部分,如味蕾和植物的芽很相似A person or thing that is not yet fully developed:未成熟的人或物:还未完全发育成熟的人或物:例句:the bud of a new idea.一个新思想的萌芽
v.(动词)bud.ded,bud.ding,buds v.intr.(不及物动词)To put forth or produce buds:发芽,长芽:例句:a plant that buds in early spring.在早春发芽的植物
To develop or grow from or as if from a bud:开始生长:从芽中或好似从芽中长出的或发育:例句:.listened sympathetically for a moment, a bemused smile budding forth.(Washington Post).同情地听了一会儿,一丝被愚弄的笑容浮现出来.(华盛顿邮报)
To be in an undeveloped stage or condition.处于未发能的阶段或状态To reproduce asexually by forming a bud.由无性生殖产生芽v.tr.(及物动词)To cause to put forth buds.使发芽,使长芽To graft a bud onto (a plant).使芽接(在植物上)嫁接
来源:Middle English budde 中古英语 budde
bud 2
n.Informal (名词)【非正式用语】 Friend; chum. Used as a form of familiar address for a man or boy:伙伴,兄弟:朋友;伙伴。用作对男人或男孩的一种熟悉的称呼:例句:Move along, bud.一块走,兄弟
来源:Short for buddy buddy的简写