bit是什么意思 bit在线中文翻译



n. 少量, 马嚼子, 辅币
vt. 给马上嚼子, 控制
【计】 比特, 二进制数位, 机内测试
【化】 刀片; 刀头; 比特; 位; 二进制位
【医】 钻头
【经】 位, 存储信息容量单位, 钻
to give sb a bit of one's mind
quite a bit
every bit as
bit by bit
a bit of...
a bit of a...
to do one's bit
every bit


动词过去式:bitted 过去分词:bitted 现在分词:bitting 第三人称单数:bits 


bit, piece, sheet, slice, fragment, scrap
bit: 侧重指微小,一点点,小碎片。
piece: 最普通用词,多指从整体上分割下来的东西,可大可小。
sheet: 侧重指平整很薄的一张或一片。
slice: 多指切得很薄的一片食物。
fragment: 指破裂的,不完整的碎片。
scrap: 侧重指废弃的零碎之物。


名词 bit:

  1. a small quantity同义词:spot
  2. a small fragment of something broken off from the whole同义词:chip, flake, fleck, scrap
  3. an indefinitely short time同义词:moment, minute, second
  4. an instance of some kind同义词:piece
  5. piece of metal held in horse's mouth by reins and used to control the horse while riding
  6. a unit of measurement of information (from binary + digit); the amount of information in a system having two equiprobable states
  7. a small amount of solid food; a mouthful同义词:morsel, bite
  8. a small fragment同义词:snatch
  9. a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program同义词:act, routine, number, turn
  10. the cutting part of a drill; usually pointed and threaded and is replaceable in a brace or bitstock or drill press

动词 bite:

  1. to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws同义词:bite, seize with teeth
  2. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort同义词:bite, sting, burn
  3. penetrate or cut, as with a knife同义词:bite
  4. deliver a sting to同义词:sting, bite, prick


  1. The noise from that party is getting a bit much.从聚会上传来的喧闹声越发过分了。
  2. He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.他一块一块地装配飞机模型。
  3. Your article is a bit long for our paper.你的文章对我们的报纸而言长了一点。
  4. He read all the interesting bit in the newspaper.他把报纸上点点滴滴有趣的新闻都读了。


n.(名词)A small portion, degree, or amount:一点,一块,一些:例句:a bit of lint; a bit of luck.一块棉绒;一点运气
A brief amount of time; a moment:一小段时间;片刻:例句:Wait a bit.等一会儿
A short scene or episode in a theatrical performance.一小段情节:戏剧表演中的小场景或情节A bit part.小角色An entertainment routine given regularly by a performer; an act.固定表演:由表演者定期表演的娱乐性常规剧目;表演Informal 【非正式用语】 A particular kind of action, situation, or behavior:行为举止:一种特殊的行为、情况或举止:例句:got tired of the macho bit.厌倦了男子气
A matter being considered:被考虑的事件:例句:What`s this bit about inflationô通货膨胀是怎么回事ô
Informal An amount equal to !/8 of a dollar:【非正式用语】 一角两分半:等于!/8美元的数量:例句:two bits.25美分
Chiefly British A small coin:【多用于英国】 小硬币:例句:a threepenny bit.三便士硬币
<习惯用语>a bit
To a small degree; somewhat:稍微;有点:例句:a bit warm.有点儿热
bit by bit
Little by little; gradually.一点一点地;逐渐地习惯用语>来源:Middle English bite [morsel] 中古英语 bite [少量] from Old English bita * see bheid- 源自 古英语 bita *参见 bheid-

bit 2
n.(名词)The sharp part of a tool, such as the cutting edge of a knife or ax.刀刃,斧刃:工具的锋利部分,如刀片或斧头切割边A pointed and threaded tool for drilling and boring that is secured in a brace, bitstock, or drill press.钻头:曲柄、钻柄或钻床之上用于钻孔的尖头工具The part of a key that enters the lock and engages the bolt and tumblers.钥匙齿:钥匙插入锁中并使锁簧和制栓接合的部分The tip of the mouthpiece on a pipe or a cigarette or cigar holder.烟嘴:烟斗、香烟或雪茄烟嘴的顶端The metal mouthpiece of a bridle, serving to control, curb, and direct an animal.马勒,嚼子:放在嘴里的金属制马勒,用于控制约束和驾御牲畜Something that controls, guides, or curbs.控制物:起控制、引导或约束力的事物及物动词)bit.ted,bit.ting,bits To place a bit in the mouth of (a horse, for example).给…的嘴上嚼子(如马)To check or control with or as if with a bit.控制:用或似用嚼子控制或抑制To make or grind a bit on (a key).给(钥匙)做或磨钥匙齿
<习惯用语>have the bit in one`s teeth 或
take the bit in one`s teeth
To be uncontrollable, as a horse is when it clenches its teeth on the bit; to cast off or refuse restraint.不服管束,桀骜不驯:难以控制,如上嚼子的马紧咬着嚼子;释放或摆脱束缚习惯用语>来源:Middle English bite 中古英语 bite from Old English [act of biting] * see bheid- 源自 古英语 [上嚼子的行为] *参见 bheid-

bit 3
n.Computer Science (名词)【计算机科学】 A single character of a language having just two characters, as either of the binary digits 0 or .位,比特:只有两个数的语言的一个数,如二进制数0或中的任何一个A unit of information equivalent to the choice of either of two equally likely alternatives.位元:相当于轮换选择二者之一的一组信息A unit of information storage capacity, as of memory.储存能量:储存能量,如记忆的一组信息
来源:Blend of b(inary) 混合了 b(inary)(dig)it (dig)it

bit 4
v.(动词)Past tense and a past participle of bite bite的过去式和过去分词