boat是什么意思 boat在线中文翻译



n. 船
vi. 乘船
vt. 以船运
【化】 舟皿
in the same boat
miss the boat
rock the boat


动词过去式:boated 过去分词:boated 现在分词:boating 第三人称单数:boats 


boat, ship, canoe, steamer, vessel, craft
boat: 泛指任何大小的船只,尤指靠划桨或风帆行进的无篷小船。
ship: 含义广,一般指大轮船,如航海船只,内河航运船只。
canoe: 指长而轻,用桨的小舟、独木船。
steamer: 指靠蒸汽发动机为动力的船只。
vessel: 多指运货或运人的大船。
craft: 船只的集合名词,但可指单独的船只。


名词 boat:

  1. a small vessel for travel on water
  2. a dish (often boat-shaped) for serving gravy or sauce同义词:gravy boat, gravy holder, sauceboat

动词 boat:

  1. ride in a boat on water


  1. They pushed the boat further into the water.他们把小船又往水里推了推。
  2. Don't miss the boat.不要坐失良机。
  3. They were glad to leave the boat and put their feet on the solid ground.他们很高兴能离开海船,回到坚实的陆地上。
  4. The boat will sink unless we bail out.我们要不把积水清除掉,船就要沉了。
  5. Let's go boating on the lake.我们去湖上划船吧。
  6. Are you going to America by boat or by plane?你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机?


n.(名词)Nautical 【航海】 A relatively small, usually open craft of a size that might be carried aboard a ship.无篷小船:相对较小的敞篷船,尺寸较小,以至可用轮船装载An inland vessel of any size.内河船:在内河航行的任何大小的船A ship or submarine.轮船,潜艇A dish shaped like a boat:船形碟:形状像船的碟:例句:a sauce boat.酱油碟
v.(动词)boat.ed,,boats 【航海】 v.intr.(不及物动词)To travel by boat.乘船To ride a boat for pleasure.乘船游玩及物动词)To transport by boat.用船运输To place in a boat.用船装运
<习惯用语>in the same boat
In the same situation as another or others.处境相同:和另一个人或其他人处境相同习惯用语>来源:Middle English bot 中古英语 bot from Old English b3t * see bheid- 源自 古英语 b3t *参见 bheid-