bread是什么意思 bread在线中文翻译



n. 面包, 生计, 食物
vt. 裹以面包屑
【医】 面包
out of bread
break bread with


动词过去式:breaded 过去分词:breaded 现在分词:breading 第三人称单数:breads 


名词 bread:

  1. food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked同义词:breadstuff, staff of life
  2. informal terms for money同义词:boodle, cabbage, clams, dinero, dough, gelt, kale, lettuce, lolly, lucre, loot, moolah, pelf, scratch, shekels, simoleons, sugar, wampum

动词 bread:

  1. cover with bread crumbs


  1. He was a shrewd businessman. He knew which side his bread was buttered on.他是一个精明的商人,深知自己的利益所在。
  2. The bread is baking in the oven.烤箱里正在烤面包。
  3. He bought a loaf of bread.他买了一大块奶酪。
  4. They had nothing to eat but stale bread.除了陈面包外,他们没有别的东西可吃。
  5. I had a frugal meal of bread and cheese last night.我昨晚吃了只有面包和奶酪的便餐。
  6. Cut the bread into small rounds and give me two.把面包切成小片,然后给我两片。
  7. He earned his bread by writing novels.他靠写小说维生。


n.(名词)A staple food made from flour or meal mixed with other dry and liquid ingredients, usually combined with a leavening agent, and kneaded, shaped into loaves, and baked.面包:用面粉或粗磨粉与其它固态和液体原料混合制成的主食,通常掺入酵母,揉过之后做成块再烘烤
Food in general, regarded as necessary for sustaining life:食物:泛指维持生命所必需的食物:例句:.If bread is the first necessity of life, recreation is a close second.(Edward Bellamy).如果面包是生活的第一需要,娱乐将成为第二需要.(爱德华·贝拉米)
Something that nourishes; sustenance:营养:滋养物;营养物:例句:.My bread shall be the anguish of my mind.(Edmund Spenser).我的滋养物应是我内心的痛苦.(埃德蒙·斯潘塞)
Means of support; livelihood:生计:谋生之道;生活:例句:earn one`s bread.谋生
Slang Money.【俚语】 钱及物动词)bread.ed,,breads To coat with bread crumbs, as before cooking:在…上撒面包屑:用面包屑包裹,如在烹饪前:例句:breaded the fish fillets.滚了面包屑的鱼片
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English brôad * see bhreu- 源自 古英语 brôad *参见 bhreu- N., sense 3b, possibly from Cockney rhyming slang bread and honey 名词释义3b,可能源自 伦敦东区同韵俚语 bread and honey