beaver是什么意思 beaver在线中文翻译



n. 海狸(毛皮)
【机】 轻型及中型飞机加油


动词过去式:beavered 过去分词:beavered 现在分词:beavering 第三人称单数:beavers 


名词 beaver:

  1. the soft brown fur of the beaver同义词:beaver fur
  2. a native or resident of Oregon同义词:Oregonian
  3. a full beard
  4. a man's hat with a tall crown; usually covered with silk or with beaver fur同义词:dress hat, high hat, opera hat, silk hat, stovepipe, top hat, topper
  5. a movable piece of armor on a medieval helmet used to protect the lower face
  6. a hat made with the fur of a beaver (or similar material)同义词:castor
  7. large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges

动词 beaver:

  1. work hard on something同义词:beaver away


  1. My hat is made of beaver pelts.我的帽子是用海狸皮做的。
  2. I have a beaver hat.我有一顶海狸皮帽子。
  3. The beaver lives both on land and in water.海狸既能在陆上生活也能在水里生活。


A large aquatic rodent of the genusCastor, having thick brown fur, webbed hind feet, a broad flat tail, and sharp incisors adapted for gnawing bark, felling trees, and constructing dams and underwater lodges. 海狸,河狸:一种大的海狸属 水栖啮齿目动物,有着厚密的褐色毛皮、长蹼的后脚、宽平的尾巴和适合于咬树皮、弄倒树、建水坝及水下巢穴的尖锐前齿 The fur of this rodent.海狸毛皮:这种啮齿目动物的毛皮A top hat originally made of the underfur of this rodent.海狸皮大礼帽:最初用这种啮齿类动物的内层绒毛制成的高帽A napped wool fabric, similar to felt, used for outer garments.毛呢:一种类似于毛毡的拉毛毛织物,用作外衣
Offensive Vulgar Slang The female genitalia.【无礼用语】 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 女性生殖器Offensive Vulgar Slang A woman or girl.【无礼用语】 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 女人或女孩子adj.(形容词)Of or relating to a beaver or beavers:海狸的:一个或多个海狸的或与之相关的:例句:beaver fur; a beaver hat.海狸的毛皮;海狸皮的帽子
Constructed by beavers:海狸建造的:例句:beaver dams.海狸坝
v.intr.(不及物动词)bea.vered,,bea.vers To work diligently and energetically.卖力工作的:勤勉地和精力充沛地工作的
来源:Middle English bever 中古英语 bever from Old English beofor * see bher- 2源自 古英语 beofor *参见 bher- 2

beaver 2
n.(名词)A piece of armor attached to a helmet or breastplate to protect the mouth and chin.护面甲:一块附在头盔或胸铠上的盔甲,用于保护嘴和下巴The visor on a helmet.面甲:头盔上的脸罩
来源:Middle English bavier 中古英语 bavier from Old French baviere [child`s bib, beaver] 源自 古法语 baviere [小孩子的围兜,面甲] from bave [saliva] 源自 bave [唾液]