assault是什么意思 assault在线中文翻译



n. 攻击, 袭击
vt. 袭击, 攻击
vi. 发动攻击
【医】 暴行, 攻击, 侵袭
to make a surprise assault on...


名词:assaulter 动词过去式:assaulted 过去分词:assaulted 现在分词:assaulting 第三人称单数:assaults 


aggression, invasion, assault, attack, offensive
aggression: 词义宽泛,既可指武装入侵别国领土,又可指文化、经济等方面的侵略。侧重敌意行动和征服的企图。
invasion: 多指具体的侵入或侵犯别国领土,也可用于指抽象事件。
assault: 主要指突然而猛烈的进攻。
attack: 普通用词,含义广,指事先不发警告,主动地向对方发起武力进攻或对言论等进行抨击。
offensive: 多指进攻的态势,常指大规模的协同军事行动。
attack, assail, assault, charge, beset
attack: 常用词, 指"攻击敌人"或"用言论攻击他人"。
  • germany began to attack the soviet union in 1941.

assail: 指"猛烈连续地攻击"。
  • the enemy plane assailed our defence position.

assault: 语气比 assail强, 指"突然猛烈地进攻", 暗示"武力的直接接触" (如肉搏等), 也有"暴力"的意思。
  • the enemy assaulted us at dawn.

charge: 指"冲击"或"骑兵的突然攻击"。
  • the cavalry charged to the front.

beset: 指"围攻", 即从各个方向攻击。
  • in the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.
    在沼泽地里, 我们受到蚊子的围攻。


名词 assault:

  1. close fighting during the culmination of a military attack
  2. a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped
  3. thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1946
  4. the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will同义词:rape, violation, ravishment

动词 assault:

  1. attack someone physically or emotionally同义词:assail, set on, attack
  2. force (someone) to have sex against their will同义词:rape, ravish, violate, dishonor, dishonour, outrage
  3. attack in speech or writing同义词:attack, round, assail, lash out, snipe


  1. Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.受训的突击队员要参加令人筋疲力尽的突击课程。
  2. The court determined that the man was guilty of assault.法庭裁定那个人犯了侵犯人身罪。
  3. A deep, wide ditch, usually filled with water, typically surrounding a fortified medieval town, fortress, or castle as a protection against assault.护城河一条深而宽的、通常有水沟环绕设防的中世纪城镇城堡或堡垒,用以抵抗外来袭击
  4. Six women have been sexually assaulted in the area recently.最近这一带有六个女子遭受强奸猥亵。
  5. They made an assault on the enemy's position.他们突袭敌人的阵地。


n.(名词)A violent physical or verbal attack.攻击,抨击:武力或口头上的攻击
A military attack, such as one launched against a fortified area or place.进攻:军事攻击,如向要塞地区或地方发动的攻击The concluding stage of an attack in which close combat occurs with the enemy.突击:军事攻击中与敌人展开近距离肉搏的最后阶段Law 【法律】 An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another.侵犯人身:非法恐吓或试图对他人进行人身伤害The act or an instance of unlawfully threatening or attempting to injure another.侵犯人身的行为:非法恐吓他人或试图伤害他人的行为或事实
Law Sexual assault.【法律】 性骚扰The crime of rape.强奸罪v.(动词)as.sault.ed,,as.saults及物动词)To make an assault upon; attack.See Synonyms at attack 进行攻击;袭击参见 attackTo rape.强奸v.intr.(不及物动词)To make an assault.发动攻击
来源:Middle English assaut 中古英语 assaut from Old French 源自 古法语 from Vulgar Latin *assaltus 源自 俗拉丁语 *assaltus variant of Latin assultus [from past participle of] assilore [to jump on] * see assail 拉丁语 assultus的变体 [] 源自assilore的过去分词 [突然袭击] *参见 assail