admission是什么意思 admission在线中文翻译



n. 准许进入, 入场费, 录用, 承认
【经】 加入, 入股




名词 admission:

  1. the act of admitting someone to enter同义词:admittance
  2. an acknowledgment of the truth of something
  3. the fee charged for admission同义词:entrance fee, admission charge, admission fee, admission price, price of admission, entrance money


  1. How does one gain admission to the Buckingham Palace?怎样才能获准进入白金汉宫?
  2. Admission (to the club) is restricted to members only.只准会员进入(俱乐部).
  3. Admission to British universities depends on examination results.英国大学入学以考试成绩为凭。
  4. A week after his admission into the army, he fell ill.他入伍後一星期就病了。
  5. He is a coward by his own admission.他自己承认是个胆小鬼。
  6. You have to pay 2 admission.你须付2英镑入场费。
  7. Do they charge for admission?入场要收费吗?
  8. He gained admission into this university.他获准进入这所大学。