argument是什么意思 argument在线中文翻译



n. 争论, 论证, 论据, 自变量
【计】 参数
It is beyond argument that...


controversy, argument, conflict, debate, dispute, quarrel, strife
controversy: 侧重指深刻的意见分歧,多指对引起广泛兴趣或非常重要的问题的辨论。
argument: 指辩论双方均以事实或理由来说服对方的辨论。
conflict: 指双方坚持已见、互不妥协,怀有敌意的争论,多暗示分歧极为严重,有时用语言无法解决,只得诉诸武力。
debate: 通常指经过仔细组织和计划的个人或团体之间的辩论。
dispute: 普通用词,侧重指长时间,言词激烈,针锋相对的争辩。
quarrel: 普通用词,既可指言词激烈的争吵,也可指温和的言词上的不和。
strife: 指因不可缓和的矛盾而引起的争吵或斗殴。


名词 argument:

  1. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true同义词:statement
  2. a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement同义词:controversy, contention, contestation, disputation, disceptation, tilt, arguing
  3. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal同义词:argumentation, debate
  4. a summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie同义词:literary argument
  5. a variable in a logical or mathematical expression whose value determines the dependent variable; if f(x)=y, x is the independent variable


  1. The interruption fragmented his argument.他的辩论因被打断而显得不完整。
  2. There are strong arguments against these measures.有一些有力的论据反对这些措施。
  3. We accepted the agreement without argument.我们毫无异议地接受了这一协议。

A discussion in which disagreement is expressed; a debate.争论:表达不同意见的讨论;辩论A quarrel; a dispute.争吵;争论Archaic A reason or matter for dispute or contention:【古语】 主张,理由:争论或论辩的理由或内容:例句:.sheath`d their swords for lack of argument.(Shakespeare).因无争论理由收剑入鞘.(莎士比亚)
A course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating truth or falsehood:论证:旨在说明真伪的推论过程:例句:presented a careful argument for extraterrestrial life.提出关于地球外生命的详细论证
A fact or statement put forth as proof or evidence; a reason:论据,根据:作为根据或论据而提出的事实或论点;理由:例句:The current low mortgage rates are an argument for buying a house now.现行的低抵押率是马上买房子的根据
A summary or short statement of the plot or subject of a literary work.情节:文学作品的故事梗概或简短内容提要A topic; a subject:题目;主题:例句:.You and love are still my argument.(Shakespeare).你和爱情仍是我的主题.(莎士比亚)
Logic The minor premise in a syllogism.【逻辑学】 三段论中的小前提Mathematics 【数学】 The independent variable of a function.函数的自变数The amplitude of a complex number.复数的辐角Computer Science A value used to evaluate a procedure or subroutine.【计算机科学】 自变量,变元:一数值,用于确定程序或子程序的值
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin argômentum 源自 拉丁语 argômentum from arguere [to make clear] * see argue 源自 arguere [弄清楚] *参见 argue
<参考词汇><同义词>argument,dispute,controversy同义词>These nouns denote discussion involving conflicting points of view.这些名词均指带有不同观点的讨论。 Argument stresses the advancement by each side of facts and reasons buttressing its contention and intended to persuade the other side: Argument 强调各方用事实和理由来支持自己的论点并试图说服对方的进展: 例句:Emotions are seldom swayed by argument.情绪很少受论证的影响。
Dispute stresses division of opinion by its implication of contradictory points of view and often implies animosity: Dispute 强调由于涉及相互矛盾的观点而导致意见上的分歧,常常暗含敌意: 例句:A dispute arose among union members about the terms of the new contract.工会会员们在新合同的条款方面产生争执。
Controversy is especially applicable to major differences of opinion involving large groups of people rather than individuals: Controversy 尤其用来指大批人,而非个别人在观点上存在的分歧: 例句:The use of nuclear power is the subject of widespread controversy. 使用核武力是一个会引起广泛争议的问题。