aspiration是什么意思 aspiration在线中文翻译



n. 热望, 志向, 渴望
【医】 吸入; 吸[引], 吸引术
an aspiration to do sth


名词 aspiration:

  1. a will to succeed
  2. a cherished desire同义词:ambition, dream
  3. a manner of articulation involving an audible release of breath
  4. the act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing同义词:inhalation, inspiration, breathing in


  1. The generalship was his aspiration.将官之职位是他梦寐以求的目标。
  2. He has serious aspirations to a career in politics.他有从政的雄心壮志。
  3. She was filled with the aspiration to succeed in life.她渴望有所成就。


n.(名词)Expulsion of breath in speech.发音时的送气Linguistics 【语言学】 The pronunciation of a consonant with an aspirate.发带有送气音的辅音A speech sound produced with an aspirate.以送气方式发出的音The act of breathing in; inhalation.吸进的行为;吸气Medicine The process of removing fluids or gases from the body with a suction device.【医学】 用抽吸装置从体内抽出液体或气体
A strong desire for high achievement.建立丰功伟绩的强烈愿望An object of such desire; an ambition.渴望达到的目标;雄心