approve是什么意思 approve在线中文翻译



vt. 赞同, 核准, 为...提供证据
vi. 赞许
【法】 批准, 核准, 许可


副词:approvingly 动词过去式:approved 过去分词:approved 现在分词:approving 第三人称单数:approves 形容词:approvable 


agree, consent, approve, comply, subscribe
agree: 普通用词,侧重指对某事同其他人有相同的意见或想法。
consent: 指同意别人的请求、建议或满足他人的愿望,着重意愿或感情,常和to连用。
approve: 侧重对认为正确或满意的事表示赞同或批准。作不及物动词用时,常与of连用。
comply: 指答应某人已经提出或可能要求做的某事,与with连用。
subscribe: 指完全地赞成已阐明的立场。多用于比较愿意支持一种立场或为一种立场所辩护的情况。
approve, confirm, sanction
approve: 普通用词,常指正式的或官方的批准。
confirm: 强调按法律程序提出确认或批准。
sanction: 语气最强,多指官方的同意或批准,是书面用词。


动词 approve:

  1. give sanction to同义词:O.K., okay, sanction
  2. judge to be right or commendable; think well of


  1. We can't approve of this sort of thing/these sorts of things/things of this sort.我们不能赞同这种事。
  2. You can join the class if your parents approve.如果你父母同意,你可以参加这个班。
  3. The equipment must be bought from a supplier approved by the company.设备必须从公司认可的供应商那里购买。
  4. The city council approved the building plan.市议会批准了这项建筑计划。


v.(动词)ap.proved,,ap.proves及物动词)To consider right or good; think or speak favorably of.赞成:认为是正确的或好的;表扬地想起或说起To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction.批准,认可:官方地或正式地同意;证实或批准Obsolete To prove or attest.【废语】 证实,证明v.intr.(不及物动词)To show, feel, or express approval:同意:表明、感觉或表达同意:例句:didn`t approve of the decision.不赞成这个决定
来源:Middle English approven 中古英语 approven from Old French aprover 源自 古法语 aprover from Latin approb3re 源自 拉丁语 approb3re ad- [ad-] ad- [前缀,表.朝,向.] prob3re [to test] from probus [good] * see per prob3re [测试] 源自 probus [好的] *参见 per
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>approve,endorse,sanction,certify,accredit,ratify同义词>These verbs mean to express a favorable opinion or to signify satisfaction or acceptance.Thoughapprove, the most widely applicable, often means simply to consider right or good ( 这些动词意指表达一种赞扬的意见或表明满意或接受。虽然approve 应用最为广泛,常意味着简单地认为正确或好的( 例句:knew my parents wouldn`t approve of what I had done), it can also denote official consent: 知道我父母不会赞成我所做的), 它也可指明官方的同意:
例句:.The colonel or commanding officer approves the sentence of a regimental court-martial. (Charles James). .上校或指挥军官同意团队军事法庭. (查理斯·詹姆斯)。
Endorse implies the expression of support, often by public statement: Endorse 意指支持的表示,常用于公开声明: 例句:The senator will give a speech endorsing her party`s gubernatorial candidate.参议员将做出支持她所在党派州长候选人的演讲。
Sanction usually implies not only approval ( Sanction 通常不仅指赞同( 例句:Public opinion ought not to sanction the use of force) but also official authorization ( 公众意见不应赞同使用武力) 也指官方的认可(
例句:The privilege of voting is a right sanctioned by law). 选举权是法律所认可的权力)。
Certify and accredit imply official approval based on compliance with requirements or standards: Certify .The proper officers, comparing every article with its voucher, certified them to be right. (Benjamin Franklin). accredit 意指基于与需要或标准相符的官方赞同: 例句: .合格的官员,将每一物品与凭单比较,以确认它们是正确的. (本杰明·富兰克林)。
例句:The board of higher education will accredit only those institutions offering a sufficiently rigorous curriculum. To 高等教育理事会将只承认那些提供足够严格的课程的学院。
ratify is to invest with legal authority by giving official sanction: ratify 是指通过给予官方认可使之具有合法权威 例句:.Amendments . . . shall be valid . . . when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States. (U.S. Constitution, Article V). .修正案…当为四分之三的州立法机构赞同时…将生效. (美国宪法,第五条)