housewives是什么意思 housewives在线中文翻译



pl. 家庭主妇


名词 housewife:

  1. a wife who manages a household while her husband earns the family income同义词:housewife, homemaker, lady of the house, woman of the house


  1. Housewives are soften up with free gift before the salesmen begin the hard talking.推销员先用赠品打动家庭妇女的心,接著就开始直截了当的兜售了。
  2. Housewives were softened up with free gifts before the salesmen began the hard talking.推销员先用赠品打动家庭妇女的心,接著就开始直截了当的兜售了。
  3. Furthermore, the computer is the most obedient and diligent "house-keeper" or "servant" of housewives; It is also a game expert admired by children.甚至,它是一个家庭主妇们最听话、最勤奋的“管家”和“服务员”, 它也是孩子们钦佩的游戏高手。
  4. Attention all shipping, motorists, housewives ...所有船舶、机动车驾驶员、家庭主妇请注意。。。