heath是什么意思 heath在线中文翻译



n. 石南荒原, 低矮灌木


名词 heath:

  1. a low evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae; has small bell-shaped pink or purple flowers
  2. a tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation同义词:heathland


  1. A broad area of open land, often high but poorly drained, with patches of heath and peat bogs.沼泽一片大面积的开阔地,通常很高但排水不好,有成片的荒野和泥炭田
  2. Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain.希思先生是英国前任首相。
  3. He lost his way in the heath.他在荒地里迷了路。


n.(名词)Any of various usually low-growing shrubs of the genusErica and related genera, native to Europe and South Africa and having small evergreen leaves and small, colorful, urn-shaped flowers. Also called heather 杜鹃花科植物:多种通常矮生的欧石南 属或相近属种的灌木,源于欧洲和南非,长有常绿的叶子和小且为瓮状的色彩绚丽的花 也作 heatherAn extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs; a moor.荒地:一大片未开垦的覆盖有草本植物和低矮灌木丛的开阔地;荒野
来源:Middle English [uncultivated land] 中古英语 [未开垦的土地] from Old English th * see kaito- 源自 古英语 th *参见 kaito-