hatching是什么意思 hatching在线中文翻译



n. 阴影, 影线
【机】 剖面线


名词 hatching:

  1. the production of young from an egg同义词:hatch
  2. shading consisting of multiple crossing lines同义词:hatch, crosshatch, hachure

动词 hatch:

  1. emerge from the eggs同义词:hatch
  2. devise or invent同义词:think up, think of, dream up, hatch, concoct
  3. inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decorating同义词:hatch
  4. draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper同义词:hatch
  5. sit on (eggs)同义词:brood, hatch, cover, incubate


  1. Remaining in the nest after hatching until able to fly. Used of a bird.孵化后仍留巢的在孵化后留在巢内直到会飞为止的。用于鸟类
  2. The breeding, hatching, and rearing of fish under controlled conditions.养鱼业在控制的条件下培植、孵化和饲养鱼类
  3. An organism at any time before full development, birth, or hatching.胎指有机体在完全发育、出生或孵出之前的任何阶段
  4. Chicks are hatching from the eggs.小鸡正从蛋壳里孵出来。


n.(名词)Fine lines used in graphic arts to show shading.影线:在书画刻印艺术中用于表示阴影部分的细线The process of decorating with such lines.画(或刻)影线:用这样的线装饰的过程