hash是什么意思 hash在线中文翻译



n. 剁碎的食物, 杂乱无章的的一大堆, 杂烩, 复述
vt. 切碎, 搞糟
【电】 混杂
settle sb's hash
make a hash of
make a hash of it


动词过去式:hashed 过去分词:hashed 现在分词:hashing 第三人称单数:hashes 


名词 hash:

  1. chopped meat mixed with potatoes and browned
  2. purified resinous extract of the hemp plant; used as a hallucinogen同义词:hashish, hasheesh, haschisch

动词 hash:

  1. chop up


  1. If it wasn't for faith, there would be no living in this world; we couldn't even eat hash with any safety.倘使没了信义,这世上就不会有生活; 我们连肉丁杂烩也不能吃得安安乐乐了。
  2. Jim tried to sneak out of study hall but the teacher saw him and settled his hash.吉姆想悄悄溜出大教室,但被教师看见了,并惩罚了他。
  3. The teacher asked them to sit down together and hash out their differences.教师要他们坐在一起讨论讨论以消除分歧。


n.(名词)A dish of chopped meat, potatoes, and sometimes vegetables, usually browned.肉末杂菜:一种由剁碎的肉、土豆或蔬菜等做成的通常呈褐色的菜
A jumble; a hodgepodge.杂乱的一大堆;杂烩菜Informal A mess:【非正式用语】 搞得乱七八糟的事:例句:made a hash of the project.把一项工程搞得乱七八糟
A reworking or restatement of already familiar material.改头换面:对已经熟悉的题材改变措辞或进行重新表述v.tr.(及物动词)hashed,hash.ing,hash.es To chop into pieces; mince.切碎;磨碎Informal To make a mess of; mangle.【非正式用语】 把…搞糟;把…弄乱Informal To discuss carefully; review:【非正式用语】 仔细地讨论;回顾:例句:hash over future plans.仔细讨论将来的计划
<习惯用语>settle (someone`s) hash【俚语】
To silence or subdue.沉默或服从习惯用语>来源:Variant of Middle English hache 中古英语 hache的变体 from Old French [past participle of] hacher, hachier [to chop up] 源自 古法语 [] hacher, hachier的过去分词 [砍] from hache [ax] 源自 hache [削减] [of Germanic origin] * see hatchet [源于日耳曼语] *参见 hatchet

hash 2
n.Slang (名词)【俚语】 Hashish.大麻麻醉剂