hacking是什么意思 hacking在线中文翻译



【计】 程序"挖口"不轨用机


动词 hack:

  1. cut with a hacking tool同义词:chop, hack
  2. be able to manage or manage successfully同义词:hack, cut
  3. cut away同义词:hack
  4. kick on the arms同义词:hack
  5. kick on the shins同义词:hack
  6. fix a computer program piecemeal until it works同义词:hack, hack on
  7. significantly cut up a manuscript同义词:hack, cut up
  8. cough spasmodically同义词:hack, whoop


  1. A tool, such as a hoe, used for hacking.用于劈,砍的工具,如锄头
  2. Barbara wants a hacking outfit.芭芭拉要套骑马装。
  3. Developers have destroyed the landscape by hacking down all the trees.土地开发商把树都砍掉了,破坏了风景。
  4. He was hacking at a tree.他正在砍树。