here是什么意思 here在线中文翻译



ad. 在这里, 此时, 这里
n. 这里
neither here nor there
here by
here from
here to
here with
here and now
here and there
here below
Here's to...
Here's to your health
here there and everywhere


名词 here:

  1. the present location; this place
  2. queen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology; sister and wife of Zeus remembered for her jealously of the many mortal women Zeus fell in love with; identified with Roman Juno同义词:Hera

形容词 here:

  1. being here now

副词 here:

  1. in or at this place; where the speaker or writer is
  2. in this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail
  3. to this place (especially toward the speaker)同义词:hither
  4. at this time; now


  1. Life goes on for those of us who remain here below.对於我们凡人来说,生活依旧。
  2. The fact that I don't like your fiance is neither here nor there what matters is what you feel.我不喜欢你那未婚夫,这是题外话--问题在於你意下如何。
  3. He has been here in London for many years.他已在伦敦呆了很多年了。


adv.(副词)At or in this place:在这里:例句:Stop here for a rest.在这里停下,休息一会儿
At this time; now:这时,现在:例句:We`ll adjourn the meeting here and discuss remaining issues after lunch.我们现在暂时休会,午饭后再讨论剩余的问题
At or on this point, detail, or item:在这一点上:在这一点上;在这一细节或项目上:例句:Here I must disagree.这一点我必须反对
In the present life or condition.现在:在现在的生活和情况下To this place; hither:向这里;到这里:例句:Come here, please.请到这里来
adj.(形容词)Used for emphasis after a demonstrative pronoun:用于指示代词之后表强调:例句:Which wordô This one here.哪个词ô这个词
Used for emphasis after a noun modified by a demonstrative pronoun:用于由指示代词修饰的名词之后表强调:例句:this word here.这个词
Non-Standard Used for emphasis between a demonstrative pronoun and a noun:【非标准用语】 用于指示代词和名词之间表强调:例句:this here word.这个词
interj.(感叹词)Used to respond to a roll call, attract attention, command an animal, or rebuke, admonish, or concur.到,喂,嘿:点名时回答、引起注意、命令动物、训斥、告诫或同意时用n.(名词)This place:这里:例句:.It would be difficult from here, with the certainty of armed gunmen inside, to bring him out alive.(Howard Kaplan).因为里面肯定有带枪的武装人员,所以把他从这里活着带出来很难.(霍华德·卡普兰)
The present time or state:现在:现在的时间或状态:例句:We are living in the here and can only speculate about the hereafter.我们生活在现在,只能预测未来
<习惯用语>neither here nor there
Unimportant and irrelevant.无关紧要的或不相干的习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English r * see ko- 源自 古英语 r *参见 ko-