hookup是什么意思 hookup在线中文翻译



n. 连接, 接线图, 联播
【电】 勾住


名词 hookup:

  1. a device providing a connection between a power source and a user
  2. a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose同义词:assemblage


n.(名词)A system of electric circuits and electrically powered equipment designed to operate together:联网:经设计可共同运转的电路和电力设备系统:例句:a nationwide telecommunications hookup.全国性的电讯联网
A configuration of mechanical parts or devices providing a link between a supply source and a user:连接装置:一个机械零件或装置接构,把供源与用户连接起来:例句:a gas hookup for a mobile home.移动住房的煤气连接装置
A plan or schematic drawing of such a system or such a configuration.装配图,接续图:这样一个系统或接构的计划或略图Informal A linkage or connection, often between unlikely associates or factors.【非正式用语】 联盟:不大可能的同伴或因素之间的连接或联系