hail是什么意思 hail在线中文翻译



n. 冰雹, 致敬, 欢呼, 招呼
vt. 向...欢呼, 致敬, 招呼, 使象下雹样落下
vi. 招呼, 下雹
interj. 万岁, 欢迎
【电】 雹
hail from sth
within hail


动词过去式:hailed 过去分词:hailed 现在分词:hailing 第三人称单数:hails 


address, greet, salute, hail, welcome
address: 侧重打招呼的方式或指所使用的称谓。
greet: 常指友好而热诚地欢迎。
salute: 正式用词,指用敬礼、亲吻或挥帽等动作向他人致意或问候,尤指以某种礼节欢迎某人。
hail: 主要指怀着敬意欢迎某人,侧重欢快轻松和嘈杂。也指隔得较远的高声招呼。
welcome: 多指热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。


名词 hail:

  1. precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents
  2. enthusiastic greeting

动词 hail:

  1. praise vociferously同义词:acclaim, herald
  2. be a native of同义词:come
  3. call for
  4. greet enthusiastically or joyfully同义词:herald
  5. precipitate as small ice particles


  1. An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street.一个老朋友从街的对面喊我。
  2. It's hailing outside.外面在下冰雹。
  3. The boy's breaking of window glasses caused a hail of abuse.这个男孩打碎了窗户玻璃,招致了一阵恶骂。


n.(名词)Precipitation in the form of pellets of ice and hard snow.冰雹:以冰和硬雪块颗粒的形式下落Something that falls with the force and quantity of a shower of ice and hard snow:落下之物:以一阵冰和硬雪块的力度和数量落下的某物:例句:a hail of pebbles; a hail of criticism.一阵卵石;一通批评
v.(动词)hailed,hail.ing,hails v.intr.(不及物动词)To precipitate in pellets of ice and hard snow.下冰雹:落冰和硬雪的颗粒To fall like hailstones:象雪块一样下落:例句:Condemnations hailed down on them.诅咒象冰雪一样落在他们身上
v.tr.(及物动词)To pour (something) down or forth:倾泻或倾吐(某物):例句:They hailed insults at me.他们对我大加侮辱
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English hôgel, hagol 源自 古英语 hôgel, hagol

hail 2
v.(动词)hailed,hail.ing,hails v.tr.(及物动词)
To salute or greet.打招呼:向…致以敬意或问候To greet or acclaim enthusiastically:喝彩,欢呼:热情地问候或欢呼:例句:The crowds hailed the boxing champion.群众向这位拳击冠军喝彩
To call out to in order to catch the attention of:招呼:为引起(某人)的注意而大声地叫喊:例句:hail a cabdriver.招呼一辆出租汽车
v.intr.Nautical (不及物动词)【航海】 To signal or call to a passing ship as a greeting or as an identification.打信号:向经过的船只发信号或打招呼,作为问候或识别n.(名词)The act of greeting or acclaiming.欢呼:问候或欢迎的动作A shout made to catch someone`s attention or to greet.招呼声:用来引起某人注意或问候的叫喊声Hailing distance:招呼得到的地方:例句:told me to stay within hail.呆在招呼得到的地方
interj.(感叹词)Used to express a greeting or tribute.用来表示问候或称赞
<常用词组>hail from
To come or originate from:来自或发源于:例句:She hails from Oklahoma.她来自美国俄克拉荷马
常用词组>来源:Middle English heilen 中古英语 heilen from (wôs) hôil [(be) healthy] * see wassail 源自 (wôs) hôil [健康的] *参见 wassail