hop是什么意思 hop在线中文翻译



n. 单脚跳, 跳跃, 舞会, 飞行
vi. 单脚跳, 跳跃
vt. 跃过, 跳上, 加蛇麻子于, 服 *
【计】 跳跃式传输
【化】 酒花; 啤酒花; 蛇麻花; 忽布
【医】 高氧压
on the hop
catch someone on the hop
hop it
hop off
hop to it


动词过去式:hopped 过去分词:hopped 现在分词:hopping 第三人称单数:hops 


jump, leap, spring, hop, bound, skip
jump: 是普通用词,指用双脚向上跳,向下跳,或在同一平面上跳到有一定距离的某一点上,或跳过。
leap: 常可与jump换用,但侧重身体猛力向上升起并朝前急冲的动作,有时含突然的意味。
spring: 更强调有力和弹跳的运动。
hop: 指单脚短跳或双足猛力的动作。也指小鸟、青蛙等的跳。
bound: 多指向前向上或向下跳跃、奔跳。
skip: 指两脚交替轻轻地跳或跨的动作。


名词 hop:

  1. the act of hopping; jumping upward or forward (especially on one foot)
  2. twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes; the dried flowers of this plant are used in brewing to add the characteristic bitter taste to beer同义词:hops
  3. an informal dance where popular music is played同义词:record hop

动词 hop:

  1. jump lightly同义词:skip, hop-skip
  2. move quickly from one place to another
  3. travel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc.
  4. make a quick trip especially by air
  5. jump across
  6. make a jump forward or upward


  1. When the burglar heard their car he hopped it out of the window.那窃贼听到他们汽车的声音就从窗口逃走了。
  2. Several frogs were hopping about on the lawn.有几只青蛙在草地上跳来跳去。
  3. Are you coming to the hop tonight?今晚你来跳舞吗?
  4. I'm hopping over to Paris for the weekend.我要去巴黎度周末。
  5. Hop in, I'll give you a lift to the station.上车吧,我开车送你去车站。
  6. Go on, hop it!快点走开!
  7. He had hurt his left foot and had to hop along.他左脚受伤了,不得不单足跳行。
  8. A hare hopped straight into the doorway.一只野兔跳进了门廊里。


v.(动词)hopped,hop.ping,hops v.intr.(不及物动词)
To move with light bounding skips or leaps.跳:轻快而富有弹性地跳跃着移动Informal To move quickly or busily:【非正式用语】 快速或忙碌地移动:例句:The shipping department is hopping this week.这星期航运部门紧张忙碌
To jump on one foot.单脚跳To make a quick trip, especially in an airplane.(坐飞机)作短程旅行v.tr.(及物动词)To move over by hopping:跳着移到另一边:例句:hop a ditch two feet wide.跳过两英尺宽的水沟
Informal To jump aboard:【非正式用语】 跳上车、船:例句:hop a freight train.跳上一辆货车
A light springy jump or leap, especially on one foot.单脚跳:(尤指单脚)轻快地一蹦或一跳A rebound:反弹:例句:The ball took a bad hop.球弹错了地方
Informal A dance; a ball.【非正式用语】 跳舞;舞会
A short distance.短距离A short trip, especially by air.(尤指乘飞机的)短途旅行A free ride; a lift.免费搭车
<习惯用语>hop, skip, and (a) jump
A short distance.短距离hop to it
To begin an activity or a task quickly and energetically.开始做事,赶紧:迅速而充满活力地开始一项活动或任务习惯用语>来源:Middle English hoppen 中古英语 hoppen from Old English hoppian 源自 古英语 hoppian

hop 2
n.(名词)A twining vine(Humulus lupulus) having lobed leaves and green female flowers arranged in conelike spikes. 啤酒花:缠绕的藤本植物(啤酒花 葎草属) ,长有带裂片的叶子,以及排列成圆锥形穗状花序的绿色雌花 hops The dried, ripe flowers of this plant, containing a bitter, aromatic oil. They are used in the brewing industry to prevent bacterial action and add the characteristic bitter taste to beer. hops 啤酒花:这种植物晒干的成熟花朵,含有苦味,芳香的油被用于酿造业以防止细菌活动并增加啤酒特有的苦味Slang Opium.【俚语】 鸦片v.tr.(及物动词)hopped,hop.ping,hops To flavor with hops.以啤酒花调味
<常用词组>hop up 【俚语】
To increase the power or energy of:加大功率或能量:例句:hop up a car.加大汽车功率
To stimulate with or as if with a narcotic.用或好象用毒品进行刺激常用词组>来源:Middle English hoppe 中古英语 hoppe from Middle Dutch 源自 中古荷兰语