hike是什么意思 hike在线中文翻译



n. 徒步旅行, 远足, 涨价, 提高
vi. 步行, 徒步旅行, 上升
vt. 使高涨, 拉起
【经】 急剧增加, 涂改(支票); 增加


名词:hiker 动词过去式:hiked 过去分词:hiked 现在分词:hiking 第三人称单数:hikes 


名词 hike:

  1. a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure同义词:hiking, tramp
  2. an increase in cost同义词:rise, boost, cost increase
  3. the amount a salary is increased同义词:raise, rise, wage hike, wage increase, salary increase

动词 hike:

  1. increase同义词:hike up, boost
  2. walk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise


  1. Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
  2. The ten-mile hike told on Bill.10英里路的远足使比尔疲惫不堪。
  3. He always bring a canteen with him on a hike.他作徒步旅行时总是带著水壶。
  4. The storm upset their plans for a hike.暴风雨破坏了他们的远足计画。


v.(动词)hiked,hik.ing,hikes v.intr.(不及物动词)To go on an extended walk for pleasure or exercise.远足:长途步行作为娱乐或锻炼To rise, especially to rise upward out of place:升起,尤指从某处升起:例句:My coat had hiked up in the back.我外套后面鼓了起来
v.tr.(及物动词)To increase or raise in amount, especially abruptly:提高,抬高,增加:数量上的增加或提高,特别指突然性地:例句:shopkeepers who hiked their prices for the tourist trade.店铺老板们对观光客们大幅提价
To pull or raise with a sudden motion; hitch:以突然的动作拉起、举起;急拉:例句:hiked myself onto the stone wall; hiked up her knee socks.我猛地撞在了石墙上;她拉起自己的长统袜
Football To snap (the ball).【橄榄球】 裆下后传(球),开球n.(名词)A long walk or march.长途步行或行军An often abrupt increase or rise:突然的或急剧的上升、上涨、增加:例句:a price hike.物价猛涨
Football See snap 【橄榄球】 参见 snap
<常用词组>hike out 【航海】
To sit facing the sail and lean far backward and over the side of a small boat in order to keep the craft flat in the water.为保持小船在水中平稳,面向船帆而坐,身体尽量后仰,至船舷以外常用词组><习惯用语>take a hike【俚语】
To leave because one`s presence is unwanted. Often used in the imperative.回避:因别人不需要所以离开,经常用于命令句中习惯用语>来源:[Origin unknown] [词源未知]