ghastly是什么意思 ghastly在线中文翻译



a. 可怕的, 惨白的, 极坏的
ad. 可怖地, 惨白地


名词:ghastliness 形容词比较级:ghastlier 最高级:ghastliest 


形容词 ghastly:

  1. shockingly repellent; inspiring horror同义词:grim, grisly, gruesome, macabre, sick
  2. gruesomely indicative of death or the dead同义词:charnel, sepulchral


  1. The sick woman's face was ghastly.那女病人面色苍白。
  2. What a ghastly place that house is!那座房子是个多么可怕的地方啊!

adj.(形容词), Inspiring shock, revulsion, or horror by or as if by suggesting death; terrifying:可怕的:联想或好象联想到死亡而引起的震惊、憎恶或恐惧;可怕的,恐怖的:例句:a ghastly murder.一场恐怖的谋杀
Suggestive of or resembling ghosts.鬼一样的:联想到鬼的,象鬼的Extremely unpleasant or bad:极不舒服的或坏透的:例句 the most abominable passage of his ghastly little book.(Conor Cruise O`Brien).他那本极差的书里最令人讨厌的章节.(康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)
Very serious or great:非常严重或巨大的:例句:a ghastly error.极严重的错误
来源:Alteration influenced by ghostghost的影响of Middle English gastli 中古英语 gastli from gasten [to terrify] * see aghast 源自 gasten [吓唬,威胁,恐吓] *参见 aghast
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>ghastly,grim,gruesome,grisly,macabre,lurid同义词>These adjectives describe what is shockingly repellent in aspect or appearance.这些形容词描述神色容貌或外表非常令人讨厌的。 Ghastly applies to what inspires shock or horror because it suggests death: Ghastly 用于因为使人联想到死而激起的恐惧或震惊: 例句:ghastly wounds;可怕的伤口;
例句:a ghastly pallor;吓人的苍白;
例句:a ghastly shriek.恐怖的尖叫。
Grim refers to what repels because of its stern or fierce aspect or its harsh, relentless nature: Grim 指因为它苛刻的或残忍的样子或它自身恶劣的、残酷的本性: 例句:the grim task of burying the victims of the earthquake.埋葬地震受害者的令人恐怖的工作。
Gruesome andgrisly describe what horrifies or revolts because of its appalling crudity or utter inhumanity: Gruesome 和grisly 描述憎恨或反感, 因为它令人震惊的粗鲁或完全的不仁道: 例句:a gruesome murder;一桩可怕的谋杀;
例句:gruesome evidence of human sacrifice;人类牺牲的可怕证据;
例句:grisly jokes about cadavers and worms;关于尸体和蛆的吓人的玩笑;
例句:.the grisly gang who work[Hitler`s] wicked will. (Winston S. Churchill)..按 邪恶的愿望行事的一群可恶的歹徒 (温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)
Macabre suggests the gruesome, often grotesque horror of death and decay: Macabre 指可怕的经常是关于死亡和腐烂的怪诞的恐怖: 例句:macabre stories about tortures conceived by a madman.关于由一个疯子构想出来的可怕故事。
Lurid sometimes refers to what is of a ghastly or unnatural hue suggestive of death: Lurid 有时指可怕的或不正常的让人联想到死的样子: 例句:As her illness worsened her skin took on a pallid, greenish, lurid appearance. More often the term describes what shocks because of its terrible and ghastly nature: 疾病使她的皮肤呈现出一种苍白的、绿色的、可怕的样子。 这个词更多用来形容因为本性的可怕和恐惧而令人震惊:
例句:lurid crimes. At other times it merely refers to glaring and usually unsavory sensationalism: 耸人听闻的罪行。 该词极少用来指怒目而视的并且通常是令人不快的危言耸听:
例句:a lurid, melodramatic, but accurate account of the accident. 关于这事件的一则轰动且耸人听闻但确切的报导