grapple是什么意思 grapple在线中文翻译



vt. 抓住, 掌握
vi. 抓住, 掌握
n. 抓住, 系紧, 掌握, 与...扭打


名词:grappler 动词过去式:grappled 过去分词:grappled 现在分词:grappling 第三人称单数:grapples 


名词 grapple:

  1. a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding; often thrown with a rope同义词:grapnel, grappler, grappling hook, grappling iron
  2. a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam同义词:clamshell
  3. the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat同义词:wrestle, wrestling, grappling, hand-to-hand struggle

动词 grapple:

  1. come to terms or deal successfully with同义词:cope, get by, make out, make do, contend, deal, manage
  2. to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match同义词:grip


  1. She grappled with her assailant but her husband got away.她与袭击者扭打,而她丈夫却逃走了。
  2. He has been grappling with the problem for a long time.他长期以来一直努力解决该问题。


An iron shaft with claws at one end, usually thrown by a rope and used for grasping and holding, especially one for drawing and holding an enemy ship alongside.Also called grapnel ,grappling ,grappling hook ,grappling iron 抓钩,多爪锚:一端有爪的铁矛,通常用绳子抛出并用来抓持和固定,尤指用于沿着边拖拽和固定敌船的那种也作 grapnel,grappling,grappling hook,grappling ironNautical See grapnel 【航海】 参见 grapnel The act of grappling.抓牢,握紧:抓持的动作Sports 【体育运动】 A contest in which the participants attempt to clutch or grip each other.扭打,搏斗:一种竞赛,参加者尝试着互相抓住A grasp or grip in such a contest.扭打,抓:在这种比赛中的抓v.(动词)grap.pled,grap.pling,grap.ples及物动词)To seize and hold, as with a grapple.抓住或固定,如用抓钩To seize firmly, as with the hands.紧紧地抓住,如用手v.intr.(不及物动词)To hold onto something with or as if with a grapple.抓牢,握紧:用或好象用抓钩钩住某物To use a grapple or similar device, as for dragging.用抓钩:使用抓钩或类似的设备,如用于拖拉To struggle, in or as if in wrestling:斗争,扭打:在扭斗中或类似在扭斗中挣扎:例句:grappled with their consciences; grapple with the political realities of our time.与他们的良知抗争;与我们这个时代的政治现实抗争
来源:Middle English grapel 中古英语 grapel from Old French grapil [diminutive of] grape [hook] * see grape 源自 古法语 grapil [] grape的小后缀 [钩子] *参见 grape