galaxy是什么意思 galaxy在线中文翻译



n. 银河, 星系, 一群(显赫的人物)
【电】 银河系




名词 galaxy:

  1. a splendid assemblage (especially of famous people)
  2. tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall同义词:galax, wandflower, beetleweed, coltsfoot, Galax urceolata
  3. (astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust同义词:extragalactic nebula


  1. She shouldered a heavy burden of teaching and supervision, now reflected in the growing achievements of a brilliant galaxy of pupils.她过去曾肩负着教学与监督的重任,现在这效果在一群优秀的学生的日益增长的成就中反映出来。
  2. Each galaxy contains myriads of stars.每一星系都有无数的恒星。
  3. There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy.银河系中也许有几百万个世界。
  4. A galaxy of film stars attended the premiere.一群影星参加了首次公演。

Any of numerous large-scale aggregates of stars, gas, and dust that constitute the universe, containing an average of 00 billion (0) solar masses and ranging in diameter from ,500 to 300,000 light-years. Also called nebula 星系,星群:组成天体的大量大规模的星、气或尘埃的聚集物,包括平均00(0)亿的太阳质量,直径从,500到300,000光年 也作 nebulaOften Galaxy The Milky Way. 常作 Galaxy 银河系An assembly of brilliant, glamorous, or distinguished persons or things:一群有才气的、迷人的或显赫的人或物:例句:a galaxy of theatrical performers.众星云集
来源:Middle English galaxie [the Milky Way] 中古英语 galaxie [银河系] from Late Latin galaxias 源自 后期拉丁语 galaxias from Greek [milky] 源自 希腊语 [牛奶的] from gala galakt- [milk] * see melg- 源自 gala galakt- [乳,牛奶] *参见 melg-