Germanic是什么意思 Germanic在线中文翻译



a. 德国的, 日耳曼语的, 日耳曼人的
n. 日耳曼语


名词 germanic:

  1. a branch of the Indo-European family of languages; members that are spoken currently fall into two major groups: Scandinavian and West Germanic同义词:Germanic language

形容词 germanic:

  1. of or relating to the language of Germans
  2. of or pertaining to the ancient Teutons or their languages同义词:Teutonic
  3. of a more or less German nature; somewhat German同义词:German, Teutonic


  1. English belongs to the Germanic group of languages.英语属于日尔曼语系。
  2. The North Germanic language of Sweden and Finland.瑞典语瑞典及芬兰的北方日耳曼语
  3. The Germanic element of English as distinguished from the French and Latin elements.英语中的日耳曼语成分,不同于法语和拉丁语的成分
  4. The West Germanic language of England, the United States, and other countries that are or have been under English influence or control.西日耳曼语英国,美国和其它受或曾受英国影响控制的国家所使用的西日耳曼语
  5. The West Germanic language of the Flemings.佛莱芒语佛莱芒人使用的西日耳曼语

Of, relating to, or characteristic of Germany or its people, language, or culture.德国的,德国人的,德语的:属于或关于德国、德国人、德语或德国文化的,或显示其特征的Of or relating to the Teutons.条顿人的:属于或有关条顿人的Of or relating to speakers of a Germanic language.日耳曼民族的:属于或有关说日耳曼语的人的Of, relating to, or constituting the Germanic languages.日耳曼语的:属于、有关或构成日耳曼语言的n.(名词)A branch of the Indo-European language family that comprises North Germanic, West Germanic, and the extinct East Germanic.日尔曼语:印欧语系的分支,包括北日耳曼语、西日耳曼语和已灭绝的东日耳曼语