grape是什么意思 grape在线中文翻译



n. 葡萄, 葡萄树
【医】 葡萄


名词 grape:

  1. any of various juicy fruit of the genus Vitis with green or purple skins; grow in clusters
  2. any of numerous woody vines of genus Vitis bearing clusters of edible berries同义词:grapevine


  1. A dry red wine made from the black grape variety Cabernet sauvignon.卡勃耐酒一种无甜味的红色的酒,用卡勃耐白葡萄的变种黑葡萄制成
  2. A dry red wine made from a grape originating in southern France and Italy and introduced into California and Oregon.墨尔乐红葡萄酒一种无甜味的红葡萄酒,用原产于法国南部及意大利的一种葡萄制成,这种葡萄已被引植入美国加利福尼亚州及俄勒冈州
  3. Banana, grape, apple, daisy which of these is the odd one out?香蕉、葡萄、苹果、雏菊--这几样东西哪一样与众不同?
  4. He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us.他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。


n.(名词)Any of numerous woody vines of the genusVitis, bearing clusters of edible berries and widely cultivated in many species and varieties. 葡萄:多种葡萄属 木本植物中的任何一种,有簇生可食用果实,被广泛栽培,有许多种类和变种 The fleshy, smooth-skinned, purple, red, or green berry of a grape, eaten raw or dried as a raisin and widely used in winemaking.葡萄果:葡萄树所结的肉色的、表皮光滑的浆果,呈紫色、红色或绿色,可鲜食或制成果干,并广泛用于制酒Color A dark violet to dark grayish purple.【色彩】 深紫色,深浅灰紫色Grapeshot.霰弹,葡萄弹
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French [bunch of grapes, hook] 源自 古法语 [葡萄串;钩] [of Germanic origin] [源自德语]