germ是什么意思 germ在线中文翻译



n. 细菌, 种子, 生殖细胞, 根源
【医】 芽胞, 胚, 胚芽, 病菌


名词 germ:

  1. anything that provides inspiration for later work同义词:source, seed
  2. a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism
  3. a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use同义词:microbe, bug


  1. Germs may invade the organism.细菌会侵入有机体。
  2. Germs are invisible to the naked eye.细菌用肉眼看不见。
  3. The prize is a tangible testimony that she has gotten a germ of write ability.这个奖是一个具体的证明,说明她具有创作才能。
  4. Disinfectant kills germs.消毒剂灭杀细菌。


n.(名词)Biology A small mass of protoplasm or cells from which a new organism or one of its parts may develop.【生物学】 微生物,细菌:微小的活的物质或细胞,能发育成新的有机体或部分有机体The earliest form of an organism; a seed, bud, or spore.生殖细胞,胚种细胞:有机体的最初形式;种子、萌芽或胚种A microorganism, especially a pathogen.一种微生物,尤指病原体Something that may serve as the basis of further growth or development:萌芽,雏形,原形:可作为进一步成长或发展的基础事物:例句:the germ of a project.计划的雏形
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French germe 源自 古法语 germe from Latin germen [bud] * see gen…- 源自 拉丁语 germen [萌芽] *参见 gen…-