glaze是什么意思 glaze在线中文翻译



n. 釉, 上光, 光滑面
vt. 装以玻璃, 上釉于
vi. 变得光滑, (目光)变呆滞
【化】 珐琅; 釉
【医】 釉料, 瓷釉


名词:glazer 动词过去式:glazed 过去分词:glazed 现在分词:glazing 第三人称单数:glazes 


名词 glaze:

  1. any of various thin shiny (savory or sweet) coatings applied to foods
  2. a glossy finish on a fabric
  3. coating for fabrics, ceramics, metal, etc.

动词 glaze:

  1. coat with a glaze
  2. become glassy or take on a glass-like appearance同义词:glass, glass over, glaze over
  3. furnish with glass同义词:glass
  4. coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze同义词:sugarcoat, candy


  1. The dishwasher has worn the glaze off the china.这些瓷器经常用洗碗机清洗,光泽都消失了。
  2. The glaze of the table was scratched.桌子的釉面被刮坏了。
  3. His eyes glazed over and he fell back unconscious.他的双眼变得呆滞无神,接着身体往后倒下便不省人事了。
  4. He is glazing the table.他正在给桌子上釉。


n.(名词)A thin, smooth, shiny coating.光滑表面:薄的、光滑而发光亮的面A thin, glassy coating of ice.薄冰:薄而光亮的冰层
A coating of colored, opaque, or transparent material applied to ceramics before firing.釉料:烧制陶器前附在陶器表面上的一层着色的、不透明或透明的材料A coating, as of syrup, applied to food.冻胶层:浇在食物表面的覆盖物(如糖浆)A transparent coating applied to the surface of a painting to modify the color tones.透明色料:涂在油画表层用来调色的透明颜料A glassy film, as one over the eyes.薄膜:透明的膜,如眼膜v.(动词)glazed,,及物动词)To fit, furnish, or secure with glass:装玻璃于,镶以玻璃:例句:glaze a window.安装玻璃
To apply a glaze to:浇以糖浆,给…上釉:例句:glaze a doughnut; glaze pottery.在甜甜圈上浇糖浆;给陶器上釉
To coat or cover thinly with ice.薄薄地敷以冰霜To give a smooth, lustrous surface to.打光,擦亮:使…表面光滑v.intr.(不及物动词)To be or become glazed or glassy:变模糊,变呆滞:例句:His eyes glazed over from boredom.他目光因烦恼而显得呆滞
To form a glaze.上釉,形成薄膜
来源:From Middle English glasen 源自 中古英语 glasen from glas [glass] 源自 glas [玻璃] from Old English glôs * see ghel- 2源自 古英语 glôs *参见 ghel- 2